My problem is that I've got really lots of game concept, ideas but the problem is I can't make them
It isn't even matter of the skill - I'm learning everyday something, reading about programming and art and game theory.
When it comes to develop an idea - its OK, I'm writing everything, making scripts and I'm good at this I think
And it's now that I'm writing all the time and learning new things
But when it comes to start making.. there's a problem
I've tried many technologies and learning in them but that's not so big problem to me, I could just make a prototype in the easiest softwre then develop it for serious.
I can't mobilize myself to start, maybe because I don't know were to start after concept is created.
The problem is also with creating artwork - I dont know were to start. I'm learning to draw but also here I can't mobilize. I know theory well but I can't focus on it so much as I'm concerned on my own ideas.
That's not that I don't like drawing - I see nice things in my imagination and representaion of my games ideas - It would be fun but the very starting point is blocking me so much.
Maybe my ideas are too complex? Or should I develop some idea on some basic side scroller game at first?
Will the problem be solved "automaticly", by just continuing learning?