First "game" was some sort of choose-your-own adventure/dungeon bash of some sort in C64 BASIC - the details are pretty fuzzy at this point
Most of my memories of the C64 were of making music (it had an awesome, for the time, synthesizer) and trying to learn assembly.
When I started messing around with something called "AMOS" on Amiga, I created some rudimentary tile based dungeon crawls - I would kill to get my hands on that source code now, but alas, all gone and forgotten. I do remember, however, that was when I "discovered" how to optimize a scrolling tile map - at that time, it was too slow to just re-draw the tiles every frame, I had to hardware copy (blit) parts of the map and draw only the new tiles along the edges. I remember being pretty proud of that discovery.
That was why I always avoided RPG games, so called. Thinking it is a plot. But nights spent over paper inspecting your options were..... I did not experience them, Could you throu out 16 bit games of this type?