If you have 100 objects on screen and want to see about collisions...
Do you just check all 100 objects with the 99 others? (thus doing 9900 collision checks)
Is there a better way?
not only is there no better way, there is no other way - period.
all collision detection schemes and strategies are a form of "divide and conquer" to deal with this fact.
all seek to reduce that 100 objects somehow, by dividing up the scene into smaller sets of objects, by dividing up the object types and skipping the collisions you don't need to check (like my bullets colliding with each other), by culling objects you don't need to check from the list (asleep, etc), by storing history of past checks and positions, and so on.
but in the end, if you need to check a given pair-wise collision, you have to break down and do a collision check (of some sort).
that's where the second way to speed things up comes into play...
you ramp-up the complexity of the checks.
you start with fast inaccurate, and go to slower more accurate checks. the fast checks trivially reject anything that's not close to being a collision. the slower more accurate checks are performed only on those object pairs that pass the first check.
unfortunately in the end, a lot of how fast the actual checks are usually has a lot to do with:
1. how anal-retentive one is about collision check accuracy. most folks go way overkill.
2. how poor an algo choice one makes. less than optimal choices are all too common. most geometry problems can be solved in more than one way. many times folks seem to know of a number of possible (usually complex) methods, but somehow don't know of the the best one (hit or miss learning i suspect, or perhaps the "i have a hammer [oct-tree for example], so everything looks like a nail" mentality).
3. how obtusely one implements the ill-suited overkill algo chosen. overly complicated code on top of poor algo choice is also very common.
avoid these pitfalls, divide and conquer, and ramp up check complexity, and you'll be fine, even with 100,000 dynamic objects.