
Have you read 'Coders at work' ?

Started by August 11, 2013 03:45 PM
3 comments, last by tstrimp 11 years, 2 months ago

I am not sure if this post is apropriate. Sorry for my weak english.

have you read book entitled 'coders at work' ? I have read it recently

and found some possibly interesting thoughts there. Would be curious

if somebody read it also and which things he founds interesting there.

No, I haven't. Looking at this thread to figure out if I should.

Previously "Krohm"


No, I haven't. Looking at this thread to figure out if I should.

Well, maybe it is a small chance that many people had read it recently like me (so this question may be not to much fortunate).

I have some notes about it but would like to wait if someone will say something (if not maybe I will write something but somewhat later). (regardz)

I would appreciate that, thank you.

Previously "Krohm"

It's an interesting read, but don't expect it to change the way you write code or anything like that. You do get to read a lot about what it was like to work on the projects that made them famous.

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