Im doing a management/strategy game in a fictional western african setting. The players runs a criminal militia that build bases in the wilderness for explotation and control of the region. Some ways to earn money may be (plz comment):
1. Cannabis fields. Sell in towns or export. Not much processing? Western africa seem to export mostly in marijuana form not hashish?
2. Diamond deposits, sell to exporters. Sell as rough nuggets? Not likely cut in camps in the jungle right?
3. Gold mines, sell to exporters. Some processing at base?
What about other ways? Other drugs to grow? How about lab-made chemical drugs like LSD, speed etc. Most likely not made in simple labs right? Meth production seems to increase in the area since 2011, i guess i could have such labs maybe... (heroin/cocaine is not grown in africa).
Drugs are "fun" for gameplay reasons as supply and demand can play a role.
Some other natural resource to exploit? I know about oil but its to bulky (need many tons of goods for profit). Another gemtype (other than diamond)?
Thanks for your input
(and plz dont turn this into an ethical/morality discussion)