modifing lesson 30 to work with TGA files
the main proble I have is a alllocation error poping up before the the end of the blit here''s the code :
void Blit( P_TEXTURE_IMAGE src, P_TEXTURE_IMAGE dst, int src_xstart, int src_ystart, int src_width, int src_height,
int dst_xstart, int dst_ystart)
int i,j,k,l,m,n;
unsigned char *s, *d, R, G, B, A; // Source & Destination
d = dst->imageData + (dst_ystart * dst->width * dst->bpp); // Start Row - dst (Row * Width In Pixels * Bytes Per Pixel)
s = src->imageData + (src_ystart * src->width * src->bpp); // Start Row - src (Row * Width In Pixels * Bytes Per Pixel)
for (i = 0 ; i < src_height ; i++ ) // Height Loop
s = s + (src_xstart * src->bpp); // Move Through Src Data By Bytes Per Pixel
d = d + (dst_xstart * dst->bpp); // Move Through Dst Data By Bytes Per Pixel
for (j = 0 ; j < src_width ; j++ ) // Width Loop
if (src->bpp==32)
for (k=0;k<8;k++,s++)
R = *s; // Get Red value
for (l=0;l<8;l++,s++)
G = *s; // Get Green value
for (m=0;m<8;m++,s++);
B = *s; // Get Blue Value
for (n=0;n<8;n++,s++);
A = *s; // Get Alpha Value
*d = (R * A)+(*d * (255 - A)); // Blend Red
*d = (G * A)+(*d * (255 - A)); // Blend Green
*d = (B * A)+(*d * (255 - A)); // Blend Blue
if (src->bpp == 24 && dst->bpp == 24)
for( k = 0 ; k < src->bpp ; k++, d++, s++) // "n" Bytes At A Time
*d = *s; // No Blending Just Do A Straight Copy
else if (src->bpp == 24 && dst->bpp == 32)
for( k = 0 ; k < 24 ; k++, d++, s++) // "n" Bytes At A Time
*d = *s; // No Blending Just Do A Straight Copy
*d = 255;
d = d + (dst->width - (src_width + dst_xstart))*dst->bpp; // Add End Of Row */
s = s + (src->width - (src_width + src_xstart))*src->bpp; // Add End Of Row */
any thought ??
God''''s in his heave all is right with the world - NERVE
God''s in his heave all is right with the world - NERVE
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