Well I need help
I know this is like my third post but one of my friends that goes to digipen told me to start small. He said start off learning programming then try to make a 2d game instead of 3d. Well what do I need for 2d game creation? I''m mainly wanting to make rpgs but i can consider other things. What game type (rpg, action, adventure, etc.) would be the easiest for 2d or what would suggest I make first?
A game like Zelda could be easy to make. Same counts for Mario.
Just never confure 2d with easy!!!! Creating a good, professional 2d engine can be *very* hard, since people expect better graphics
Just never confure 2d with easy!!!! Creating a good, professional 2d engine can be *very* hard, since people expect better graphics

if you are just starting to learn programming, you have to start REALLY small... if you are into RPGs, a lot of people suggest writing a text-based RPG, just to get practice with the basics of the language, and game design. and hey, if it is good enough, you can take your basic code and add in a graphics interface later, when you have a firm grip on the language.
--- krez (krezisback@aol.com)
--- krez (krezisback@aol.com)
--- krez ([email="krez_AT_optonline_DOT_net"]krez_AT_optonline_DOT_net[/email])
October 24, 2001 10:49 PM
you might want to try making something like Gauntlet. It''ll be a challenge but you should be able to get it done if you work at it. Bigger games are just too far from the kind of program you''ll be able to make.
As an experienced programmer (been programming since I was 10 years old, and I''m now 25 years old an in the programming industry), I would suggest programming a text RPG-like game. It will get you understanding programming much better, you odn''t have to worry about the graphics part of it (a BIG headache when starting), and you can have fun doing it.
Let me know if you want any help. I''d be willing to offer it to someone from my home state
As an experienced programmer (been programming since I was 10 years old, and I''m now 25 years old an in the programming industry), I would suggest programming a text RPG-like game. It will get you understanding programming much better, you odn''t have to worry about the graphics part of it (a BIG headache when starting), and you can have fun doing it.
Let me know if you want any help. I''d be willing to offer it to someone from my home state

My Gamedev Journal: 2D Game Making, the Easy Way
---(Old Blog, still has good info): 2dGameMaking
"No one ever posts on that message board; it's too crowded." - Yoga Berra (sorta)
According to most things I''ve read it seems that tetris or pong/breakout are the best places to start so you get down basic game mechanics and physics, the do something like pac man, mario, or zelda to get in the AI
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