Hi guys,
I'm sorry if this is a dumb question but I'm kind of new using AS.
So I have a class in C++ called Sprite with a method set_image(string, string)
I've registered them this way
//register class
engine->RegisterObjectType("Sprite", sizeof(Sprite), asOBJ_VALUE | asOBJ_POD);
// Register method
engine->RegisterObjectMethod("Sprite", "void set_image(const string sheet, const string image)", asMETHODPR(Sprite,set_image,(const string&, const string&),void), asCALL_THISCALL);
But now I can I use that in the script side?
I would assume something like
Sprite@ sp = new Sprite(); // Not sure if @ or *, confusion here
sp->set_image("backgrounds","space"); // is it a -> or . for handles?
After reading some docs on Angescript I found out the @ for object handles, but still, how do I allocate a new Sprite to use in script? Do I need to create a static function that returns a handle in C++?
Once again thanks for reading this.