
Doing a 24-hour gaming marathon.

Started by June 28, 2013 01:13 AM
20 comments, last by d000hg 11 years, 2 months ago

Sounds like murder to me.

"I read a while ago in the Nexus forums that the fiancee of a modder died after playing for 11 hours. A blood clot formed in his leg and two hours later she was dead."

Very suspicious that she died, after he played for 11 hours. Doubly suspicious that she died two hours after a blood clot formed in his leg.

I mean, isn't that taking sympathetic pain to new levels?

All I can say is that it was a very intense deathmatch session.


My journals: dustArtemis ECS framework and Making a Terrain Generator

Sounds like murder to me.

"I read a while ago in the Nexus forums that the fiancee of a modder died after playing for 11 hours. A blood clot formed in his leg and two hours later she was dead."

Very suspicious that she died, after he played for 11 hours. Doubly suspicious that she died two hours after a blood clot formed in his leg.

I mean, isn't that taking sympathetic pain to new levels?

All I can say is that it was a very intense deathmatch session.

That's very typical of bad modding: He gets the clot, but she dies two hours later. He should have read this!!!!

On topic though; stay active. If you don't run or bike, make yourself do something similar if possible.

The cases with all-nighter -related deaths I've read about is typically very inactive gamers.

I remember around 12 years ago today. In Søborg, we had this net café, mostly people would go there to play LAN games, although some would play online. There was a boy who spent 3 days there, then he collapsed and died. Since then, the establishments as that have become a little more aware of how long their young customers spend there.

In general, though, I think these things are a little exaggerated. Both in the media and on the web. But the story with the kid in the net cafe actually happened in my neighborhood.


The biggest thing I've read is that I should take a 10 minute break every hour to keep my heart/veins from imploding.

lolwut, that's a 16% productivity loss.

Seriously, health risks are always ludicrously exaggerated on the internet. Your body will be fine, and it will let you know when you need to stretch or go for a walk or have a drink. It isn't retarded and neither are you (if someone is stupid enough to ignore all warning signs and stay put for days on end glued to a computer screen, then one deserves to die - no offense, it's just natural selection at work). If you are in decent health now you will not die or be permanently damaged from an occasional gaming marathon. It just becomes a problem when you do that too often and don't give yourself time to recover.

On a related note, my last exam is tomorrow. I might have a marathon of my own next week or so tongue.png

“If I understand the standard right it is legal and safe to do this but the resulting value could be anything.”

Well I think I have all my stuff in place. I'm going to do some final warmups before doing a small early sleep. I'm planning on running it from 8pm EST till at least 2pm the next day, but hopefully 8pm depending on how well it goes to that point :) It's going to be Essial on twitch. Hopefully I'll get some help and so that there isn't too much Fun early on.

The biggest thing I've read is that I should take a 10 minute break every hour to keep my heart/veins from imploding.

lolwut, that's a 16% productivity loss.

Good thing Google ain't around to disagree...

... Wait a moment ... !!!???

This is probably the stupidest thing I ever heard.What's the point in this? After 8-10 hours you will be so tired,that the only thing that will make you still wanna play will be just to complete the 24 hrs.


This is probably the stupidest thing I ever heard.What's the point in this? After 8-10 hours you will be so tired,that the only thing that will make you still wanna play will be just to complete the 24 hrs.

Well, you can assume the same for a marathon. The idea is the challenge and the experience. Also, I have played 16 hours straight of Ragnarok Online once and I was OK by the end, I stop playing because my third party of the day had left and I had no hope of finding another at 5 a. m. I was tired, but I could surely play for a couple more hours.

Currently working on a scene editor for ORX (, using kivy (

Challange and experience? And what is the experience exactly? If you sleep when you're tired and then continue the game...isn't it the same thing?

And the challange sounds like this: it's raining and I'm right outside by house,I'm gonna stay in the rain to prove myself I'm good at this/

This is probably the stupidest thing I ever heard.What's the point in this? After 8-10 hours you will be so tired,that the only thing that will make you still wanna play will be just to complete the 24 hrs.

8-10 hours is a normal working day for most people, and should certainly not be exhausting..

Challange and experience? And what is the experience exactly? If you sleep when you're tired and then continue the game...isn't it the same thing?

And the challange sounds like this: it's raining and I'm right outside by house,I'm gonna stay in the rain to prove myself I'm good at this/

Not exactly, your brain works diferently as you do something over and over. The challenge is basically this, but again, saying you can is totally different than actually doing it.

About the challenge, if you follow this thinking running a marathon, a game jam and going to a rave are all the same experience as running a mile, coding an hour and going to a party for 1 hour.

Currently working on a scene editor for ORX (, using kivy (

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