
Tips on naming own "business"

Started by June 16, 2013 03:38 PM
9 comments, last by sevenfold1 11 years, 8 months ago

OK. So I am developing this android game for 4 months or so, and I'm at the very end of finishing it. I'm almost ready to publish it to google play, but there is one thing holding me back...And that is

I don't know how should I name myself. I want the "company" or "business" name to be permanent

I thought I should have a name in case someone will be playing my game, and would like to see what else I have developed, and for other reasons.

I never really thought about that because I didn't think that coming up with a name would be so hard.

I thought about all kinds of names, but they all sound like some kind of medications. They sound stupid, or if they sound cool, they are already taken when I search it on google.

I don't know... Maybe this is as stupid question... But does anybody have any tips on coming up with my "company" name? Maybe you have your own business, how did you call it? And how did you made that decision?

Also, do you think it's bad if I would add the world "games" or "entertainment" at the end. For example "Reflective entertainment" or "QuadNix Games"

“There are thousands and thousands of people out there leading lives of quiet, screaming desperation, where they work long, hard hours at jobs they hate to enable them to buy things they don't need to impress people they don't like.”? Nigel Marsh

What is the name of your game? What is it about? Maybe we can help you make up a name based on the title of your game. Some people name their "company" or "studio" after their first release. I think it is good to put the word games after your name so if random people stumble upon your website they know what you do. The word entertainment implies that your doing things other than just games, but I think it could still work.

I haven't released a game before, but I think I would probably name myself either my last name, or "minibutmany" which has been my internet identity for a long time.

Stay gold, Pony Boy.

What is the name of your game? What is it about? Maybe we can help you make up a name based on the title of your game. Some people name their "company" or "studio" after their first release. I think it is good to put the word games after your name so if random people stumble upon your website they know what you do. The word entertainment implies that your doing things other than just games, but I think it could still work.

I haven't released a game before, but I think I would probably name myself either my last name, or "minibutmany" which has been my internet identity for a long time.

My game's name is "Neon Rush", but I really don't want people to remember me for this game, because I do understand that it's not really that fun, and repetitive, it was more of a project to myself, so I could learn how to finish game till the end. I learned very much in the process of making this game. But I don't think I would like to name my "business" after this game.

I guess I will just have to think harder, and I will eventually figure a good, or at least decent name.

“There are thousands and thousands of people out there leading lives of quiet, screaming desperation, where they work long, hard hours at jobs they hate to enable them to buy things they don't need to impress people they don't like.”? Nigel Marsh

Just ask a zillion people and pick the one you like the most. Don't pick the wrong one!

In Google, you can change it anytime.

Arent one obligated to have a registered company to put a game on google play? or anywhere else? I never get that business stuff.

Arent one obligated to have a registered company to put a game on google play? or anywhere else? I never get that business stuff.

No, you don't need to have real company to publish on google play. You just have to pay 30$ fee before publishing.

“There are thousands and thousands of people out there leading lives of quiet, screaming desperation, where they work long, hard hours at jobs they hate to enable them to buy things they don't need to impress people they don't like.”? Nigel Marsh

You're very smart to think about this!

I would recommend against naming your business entity based on the name of this one game. You will probably want to create other games in the future, and if you company name is stuck at "myFirstGame, LLC", you'll regret it.

You you would be smart to choose a company name and then stick to it. We live and breathe by search results these days, and if you were to change your company name, you'd be starting at square 0 again.

Come up with a list of several that you like that are broadly descriptive of what you do or may do. I think it's fine to stick "games" or "Entertainment" at the end.

Then go to a site like Mydomain and do some searching to see if what you'd like is open. It is definitely worth taking your second/third, etc choice if the dot-com suffix is free (as opposed to .net, .biz, etc.). Another tip-- make it something that is easy to spell. Don't do any cutsie deliberate misspellings (such as spelling Cars with a "K", spelling "fish" with a ph, etc.). Think about making it easy for people to remember your name and search for it.

One of my companies is EarGames, which makes sound-based videogames. the goal was to be descriptive, short and easy to spell/remember. (though unfortunately I had to pay a bit to buy the domain... grr for domain squatters).

Brian Schmidt

Executive Director, GameSoundCon:

GameSoundCon 2016:September 27-28, Los Angeles, CA

Founder, Brian Schmidt Studios, LLC

Music Composition & Sound Design

Audio Technology Consultant

Wow, bschmidt1962!

Thank you for your great response! I really appreciate it.

“There are thousands and thousands of people out there leading lives of quiet, screaming desperation, where they work long, hard hours at jobs they hate to enable them to buy things they don't need to impress people they don't like.”? Nigel Marsh

I don't think the buisness name will matter all too much in the end, but I know it's harder picking a name for your company than your first born child. Try using the [adjective] [noun] (eg black panther studios) formula to create some names that haven't been taken. If you're completely uncreative like me you could always stoop to using a stupid online generator. is a good one because it tells you whether the domain for your generated name is taken or not.

Your authority is not recognized in Fort Kick-ass

Come up with a list of several that you like that are broadly descriptive of what you do or may do. I think it's fine to stick "games" or "Entertainment" at the end.

"Somename Games" is also a bit less likely than "Somename" to irritate "Somename Steel", "Somename Consulting", and other established businesses with somewhat similar names and trademarks.
For example, there's a car dealership in Parma called "Gruppo Ferrari". It has a blue logo and it sells Fords.

Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru

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