
RPG Battle systems

Started by October 23, 2001 10:07 AM
50 comments, last by black_mage_s 23 years, 3 months ago
Is it my imagination, or do all battle systems in rpg''s that arent real time seem to be very simaler? What if you had a nearly real time combat sytem that was still turn based? ie You have an energy bar that, when it reaches a certain point, you can use certain attacks, like this - level 1 - Attack, Item, Run - level 2 - Attack, Item, Run, Magic - level 3 - Attack, Item, Run, Magic, Summon - level 4 - Attack, Item, Run, Magic, Summon, Summon X - level 5 - Attack, Item, Run, Magic, Summon, Summon X, Fury of course, you have to know what Summon X and Fury are Summon X - When you normally summon, the character who summoned vanishes (like in FF8, but this is only one character) and a Creature not mucch bigger than them takes his place, who fights along side you, and you can command. When you use summon X, all of your characters vanish and you control one REALLY big summon who is roughly 4 times bigger and more powerful than the normal summon. Fury - Unleashes all of your power at once. All magic and attack, depending on how much MP you have left. of course, you cant just sit around and wait for this, you will be attacked with each passing level, but you dont have to wait for a turn to pass before the attack is carried out (ie FF6 - FF9) so what do you think?
"Luck is for people without skill."- Robert (I Want My Island)"Real men eat food that felt pain before it died."- Me
What about :

move, protect, attack, move, reach safe position, cast spell, move, ...

something like realtime control of a single character like outcast ?

-* So many things to do, so little time to spend. *-
-* So many things to do, so little time to spend. *-
Actually the system your proposing is a lot like the one used by Square''s Game Parasite Eve (The first one, not the second). In that system you run around the screen dodging attacks by your opponent, when your initiative bar is fully charged your action menu opens up and you can attack, use items etc.

I really liked the Parasite Eve battle system, but Square did ditch in the second game in favour of more Resident Evilish game play.

Try out Parasite Eve if you can. It will give you a chance to try out a not standard RPG battle system plus its just a cool game =p

- Zhypoh!
- Zhypoh!
Three words: Septerra Core.

Oh, wait, that''s two... err... Septerra Core RULES!!!!

Play it, and see your ideas come to live
I played parasite EVE.

I prefer Grandia 2 battle system for multi character control, or outcast system for single character control.

The gameplay is also contained in a dynamic combat system that allow great and fine control instead of menu popping :p

-* So many things to do, so little time to spend. *-
-* So many things to do, so little time to spend. *-
No movement.
You stay still, otherwise coding in the summon X command would be crazy, since there would have to be animations to make the summons move about.

Summon X is contained in the summon magic
Fury is contained in the attack menu
just to save on menu space.

Posted by: Ingenu

What about :

move, protect, attack, move, reach safe position, cast spell, move, ...

something like realtime control of a single character like outcast ?

Ugh! Now thats the kind of thing i was trying to avoid. I want it to be turn based but have some freedom of time.

You can attack at level 1. Just a generic attack. Nothing special. Or you could run or use an item. Level 2 takes more time to get to, but you gain the use of magic. With level 3 summoning, level 4 summon x, level 5 fury.

spells will be cast instantly since you arlready had to wait, but when you call the summon, his appearance costs a turn. Summons also have access to all of there attacks at once, but they cost SP (summon points) to use.
"Luck is for people without skill."- Robert (I Want My Island)"Real men eat food that felt pain before it died."- Me
Why do you copy Final Fantasy ?


Do something new, combine elements of many CRPG battle systems...

-* So many things to do, so little time to spend. *-
-* So many things to do, so little time to spend. *-
How about having so the characters can move around in a hex grid or something... They can only use melee attacks against enemies standing next to them.
I find grid based movement is sometimes a bot preponderous, and given today''s technological fancies why not just make the placement accurate to the pixel?

A very underused element of combat is positioning for defence, if you have two warriors and a mage, you''ll want to guard the mage until he/she can get the massively deadly spell out. At which point you''ll want the warriors to run like nances so they don''t get fried. Friendly fire is a very useful element for teaching people efficient strategies in combat.

George D. Filiotis
George D. Filiotis
How about beeing able to take advantage of the terrain. Placing the mage''s on high position gives them better control (view/range).

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