Ok, I'll will write You what i want to achieve, and what this game will be about as briefly as I can.
Very shortcut of game story is about first human spaceship sent to reach other habitable world. It starts the journey, but because of sabotage, newly developed ion engine explodes in a way that pushes ship far far away from home. Some crew members are killed, a lot of ship equipment is damaged, and the only thing that crew knows based on stars they see around that they are far far away from home, and theres a habitable world nearby (but not the one they were heading). After a while they realise that its habitated by alien race in early space travel times and they offer some basic maps of space around their world, also trade some resources and equipment. Player takes role of captain which needs to find way home, by gathering resources needed to repair ship, gather informations from alien races about home location (main plot), and research technologies that will make this journey possible.
Player becomes a captain by all means. So he won't be seeing starship from outside of ship, he won't be sitting all the times with consoles. He will be able to walk around, give orders to crew members directly instead of consoles (but use of consoles will be also avalible). The main idea is that its more important to "live with what you got". Crew members cannot be replaced if they die. They also want to go home so morale is important. Ship won't enlarge and wont be exchange to bigger, so room is also very important (you will need to decide f.e. do you want your crew to have more comfort quaters, or to have more store room. If you want to store more food, or rather science equipment to make quicker researches etc. a very very lot of possibilities. Its worth to mention that equipment is not just a numbers here - only thing represented by numbers is fuel. The rest like food, weapons, science/infirmary/workshop equipment, crew beds etc are items/chests that needs to be placed somewhere on the room grid. So by shortcut - youre not deciding about room type -> its defined by equipment that is placed there, so if theres not enough space, than your own quaters can hold not only your desk and bed, but also some food or weapons box'es on their grid. Its important to decide what goes there, because guns dont look well in a place where you want to greet alien guests, and stinky junk will lower morale if stored in cantine. Crew quaters with workshop is also not quite good connection because people want to sleep in SILENCE! Storing explosives at generator room can be a bit deadly, etc etc. a lot of possibilities of management without need of changing ships. Like in real life - do Your best with stuff you have, cause life is hard and wont give you even a pinch more.
I've designed a bit unique way of crew members skill factors. It works in a way, where each crew member is unique and has unique skill predispositions f.e. he is better in science, while some other is better technican/ It cannot be changed (maybe improved a bit in later game stages by researching some technologies). It defines how fast he learns and what level of skill he can achieve. Second factor is knowledge which is gained by experience points in this area (like science/military/technical). Third factor is skill morale. It means that f.e. Your technican has high technical predispositions, has some knowledge too, but wont learn any more because he just dont like tech, and he likes guns and he would like to be soldier instead. This "morale" can be affected in many ways: by sending to boring missions (in all games everyone dislikes boring missions.. i found a use for them too

) with other technicans (a lot of talking on boring missions), by finding blueprints of cool stuff that anyone want to build, or by some other events. Same applies with soldiers, and scientists but quite different (blueprints wont work on scientist, but chance to research some cure or other stuff will, and soldier? Guarding duty with some nice newly produced weapon.. "aaah i need to hold it for a while" etc). Because of those factors captain will need to make people like their jobs, or change their jobs based on their predispositions, but still have in mind that they will need to learn it, and that they always can change their minds what they like and what they dislike (soldier that was critically wounded can have trauma that lowers his soldiering morale, good medical treatment can raise his science/medical morale, or possibility to produce some nice armor can raise his likenes of technical skills).
Second thing i focused is a research, and its also quite unique. Want to hear if after what you already heard? Does it have this "wow factor" high enough?
P.S. After playing a bit with starshipcorporation, ive decided to rewrite main engine, so instead of third person following camera ill do orthogonal view, so it will look a bit better and will give possibility to add x-com/fallout tactics style tactical missions instead of mission events. But thats my far far away dream, when the whole other stuff will be ready and playable.
BUT because of rewriting engine TechnoGoth - you have mentioned Unity3D, and UDK -> can I use C# to code them like Ogre? I really like Unity games like KSP, or Battlestar Galactica, so I think Unity3D would be good choice.
Also want to mention, that because of my full time job (i develop bussiness tools and reports) stuff like all the formulas, statistics and research/crew/morale engines are quite nice to do, but graphical representation of all that stuff gives me a headache :P