looking thru projects on kickstarter, many of them seems to match format of my own idea, and yet their development goal is set for apx. $50k, (I am particulalry talking about this guys: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/522716131/legends-of-dawn/posts they already have one title behind them). Is it because they are complete team already, if it is so, wouldnt be possible to hire a studio for lets say +25%, $70K (or less even)?
Look at the reasons they give for asking for your kick-starter money:
It's important for us to stay independent since we would like to maintain full control over the game and have freedom to continue to develop the world in a way we think is the best.
Our funds dried up just before our last two steps needed to be able to self-release the game:
1. We need to purchase and integrate VOs
2. We have to pay for a few plug-in licences that we integrated in our Dreamatrix Engine
We've allowed ourselves max 2 months for completing the game and we're confident that we can deliver a complete product by that date.
So: they've only got two months of work left on the project, they've been self-funded so far, and they're independent, which means that their staff are likely working "for free" at the moment (being an owner of the studio will be their pay-cheque). Also, they only want the $25K to pay their voice-acting bill and a few small licensing fees.
This is a typical "kick-finisher" project 
Then look at their stretch goals, for if they go over their requested $25K:
$80,000 -- Mod Tools
If the Kickstarter campaign reaches $80,000 we will take our in-house rpg ready tool to the next level and open it to the community. You will be able to create your own worlds and share them with the community.
$150,000 -- Multiplayer
Should we hit $150,000, we'll be able to offer multiplayer after the main release of the game.
... For multiplayer we anticipate additional 4 months of work
So 80-25 == $55k to polish their development tools enough for public release, and 150-80 == $70k to add multiplayer over 4 months, at $17.5k per month.
Dreamatrix is an independent ship with crew of 8 full timers (and a number of freelancers)
I would guess this means that there are 8 people who are currently not being paid a wage at all, but are shared owners in the company, and a small number of contractors to perform jobs they can't do themselves (like the voice acting that they want money for).
In a normal situation, salaries are going to be one of your biggest expenses. The average game developer salary is $80K a year -- so that $17.5K a month is enough to pay ~3 people's wages.
Under normal circumstances, you'd want over $50K per month to hire a team like theirs, and you'd need to hire them for at least a year to produce a game.
Then, a large/AAA console game, like Skyrim, etc, will have a team that is 10x bigger than their team (so 10x more expensive).