For the art on my game, while I'm still looking for a local artist / partner, in the meantime I've also been paying artists on Deviantart to produce portrait, icon, and game object assets. My goal is to shop a demo of my game in March 2014 at GDC to publishers, and assuming any are interested, I'm assuming they will insist on proper licence agreements with any art that makes it to the final game. ?
Is it sufficient for me to send something like this as a siimple text attachment to the artists and ask them to digitally type their name (digitally sign)?
Artistic License / Terms of Use Agreement
This is an agreement entered into between the game developer _________________________ and the artist ______________________ on this date _____________________.
This agreement applies to all art created for the video game _________________________ between these two parties on an ongoing basis.
Terms: Game Developer has Royalty-free, Exclusive use in the video game as well as associated platforms (such as website, Kickstarter campaign, youtube demo videos, business cards, flyers etc). Artist can always display the artwork on any personal/professional websites and portfolios of theirs, DeviantArt, journals, as well as conduct unlimited print and other sales as long as they don't resell the art to other sellers/game publishers. The Game Developer will create a Credits page on the website where the Artist is credited. If there is an in-game Credits page, the Artist will also get get Credited there.
Digital Signatures
_____________________________ Game Developer ____________________________ Artist
_____________________________ Date ____________________________ Date
Then I will create an Excel doc with a list of every art asset file, the name of the artist, the date I requested it, the payment amount, and the date the final art was delivered. I'm hoping this will be sufficient and wanted to get some feedback.