I registered hoping someone could help me clarify my doubts. I already read a lot about copyright, tradesmark and patenting.
What i was hoping to do is to protect an idea i have that has to do with the storyline and affects the mechanics of the game. I know my idea has potential and i want to develop it... but i don't have enough knowledge or experience to really make it good. So i wanted to implement it anyway for gaining experience, although the result may be a little crappy at first.
So, i wanted to be able to do this, without somebody taking the idea and develop in a much better way... i wish to do that in the future.
What i read about patents is too extreme for me... i do not wish to do the same case as the one who patented the minigames during loading.
To explain myself better, here's an example: in Burrito Bison... the idea is not to be able to copy a mexican masked fighter being lauched and bouncind over gummy bears. The extreme case, would be wanting to patent a launching game... i don't want that.
Well, thats it. I will really appreciate any relevant opinion. Thanks.