AAA studios close practically every week because their game sold "only" a million copies
exactly my point - they will be forced to rethink and stop generating asset-heavy and entertainment-light boredom-ware
This is getting off-topic, but there ought to be room for all kinds of experiences. Its not very reasonable to characterize an entire industry as making too much money too easily because a handful of games you don't personally care for tend to dominate earnings. Its even less reasonable to assume they're just being lazy and that consumers are suffering as a result -- You don't earn a billion dollars in this industry without 10-20 million satisfied customers. Its not a zero-sum game either; it's not as if that billion dollars would seed a new generation of innovative studios if Battlefield 3 never happened -- even if no Battlefield ever happened, even if no Battlefield, Halo, and Madden never happened -- that money would for the most part simply leave the industry entirely.
The games industry needs big games just like the amusement park industry needs big rides -- You can build a park and fill it with small, fresh, fun little rides, games, and booths of all kinds, but no one's going to be around to enjoy them if you park doesn't have the baddest roller-coaster in 500 miles. Just the same, the Battlefields of the world bring in the audience on which lower-profile titles hope to sustain themselves.