Obama Now Global Head of Al-Qaeda
More from info wars
UN Gun Confiscation and The Robot Takeover
Americans to be rounded up and placed in FEMA concentration camps
I'm not hurling around the word "crazy" for nothing.
Crazy or not, they're still a professional journalism company, employing people to act as journalists.
FOX news is pretty crazy too, and their sister newspapers in my country routinely publish outright lies, mis-truths and vile political propaganda. Nonetheless, they're still a newspaper, and they're a member of the self-regulation groups that govern papers, and their employees are protected under the legislation regarding journalists.
Those Infowars headlines are ridiculous, but they're just as ridiculous and sensationalist as the ones in the 'respectable' newscorp papers here. I didn't watch the video one about robots/guns, but the fact based portions of the other two aren't that bad. Yes, Obama does fund people to fight alongside "Al Qadia members", cooperating in the same war -- the argument is then made that this is just as bad as the people who were fighting alongside the Taliban, who were locked in Guantanamo for such evilness. You can call that line of reasoning crazy if you like, but the fact remains that the rebels that we're funding to fight against Assad, do contain terrorist elements. That's a valid fact to report, which isn't ever highlighted by the right-wing, pro-war press, so it's healthy to have a (very) alternative press that does highlight it. The other article, warning about the contents of the NDAA, also cites a bunch of interesting factual points -- their interpretation that these facts mean that the government is preparing to round up traitors in concentration camps (
and their belief in the REX84 conspiracy) may be a 'crazy' opinion, but the fact that the government now has the legal power to do so is worth reporting anyway.
Also, it would be very naive to believe that the government doesn't have all sorts of emergency/disaster/mass-unrest/continuity-of-government plans of some sort, nor that they don't have huge lists compiled of dangerous people as they always have. It may well be that there is still a plan somewhere in a drawer to round up communist sympathisers, though it'll never be needed now that the USSR isn't about to invade! If not for InfoWars assumption that the execution of such a plan is imminent (
and their general sensationalist tabloid style), they might actually be able to produce an interesting article on the topic...
In another recent thread, when I told someone that Obama now has the legal power to authorize assassinations of US citizens abroad, I was told that this is untrue and just a "crazy left wing conspiracy", but it's true, and the only people who think it's a big deal are "crazy" journalists like these guys. It's an obvious sign of an unhealthy press environment already, when such big news stories like that aren't well known within the US population...
It's a
very dangerous slippery slope to start declaring that some journalism simply doensn't count, just because we don't like the slant with which they see the world.