
What's the funniest thing you've read on a programming forum?

Started by April 13, 2013 04:28 PM
19 comments, last by Vortez 11 years, 5 months ago

From this forum:

MP3-Beating Compression

This one is amazing. So many people actually believing in OP.

“If I understand the standard right it is legal and safe to do this but the resulting value could be anything.”

I can't believe I forgot about the space tubes!


From this forum:

MP3-Beating Compression

This one is amazing. So many people actually believing in OP.

Original File:   100mb
CAR File:        100mb
ZIPped Original: 99mb
ZIPped CAR:      3 bytes


void hurrrrrrrr() {__asm sub [ebp+4],5;}

There are ten kinds of people in this world: those who understand binary and those who don't.

Original File:   100mb
CAR File:        100mb
ZIPped Original: 99mb
ZIPped CAR:      3 bytes

A 3-byte file only has enough entropy to encode 2553 different combinations. Even if we assume that every one of those combinations decompresses to a 100MB file, those three bytes can only represent a very tiny percentage of all possible 100MB files. How tiny? My calculator can represent numbers up to 1e999, and it overflowed when calculating the number of possible 100MB files in existence. Since my calculator won't cut it, I started a calculation in GNU bc, which is an arbitrary-precision calculator. It's been running for about 5 minutes now, and it still hasn't given me the answer. This result would be a very special case of the algorithm.

On top of that, I'm pretty sure that the header for a ZIP file alone is well more than 3 bytes.


After over 45 minutes, I just killed the job. Calculating it in a more sane manner, it's about 10^(-2,523,430), which is reeeealy tiny.

Original File: 100mb
CAR File: 100mb
ZIPped Original: 99mb
ZIPped CAR: 3 bytes


Check out for some great games made by me on the Playstation Mobile market.

That's okay, in Steins;Gate they compress a person's entire conciousness (2.5 petabytes, according to the lore) down to something like 50 bytes by using black holes generated by the large hadron collider.

void hurrrrrrrr() {__asm sub [ebp+4],5;}

There are ten kinds of people in this world: those who understand binary and those who don't.

Original File:   100mb
CAR File:        100mb
ZIPped Original: 99mb
ZIPped CAR:      3 bytes

A 3-byte file only has enough entropy to encode 2553 different combinations. Even if we assume that every one of those combinations decompresses to a 100MB file, those three bytes can only represent a very tiny percentage of all possible 100MB files. How tiny? My calculator can represent numbers up to 1e999, and it overflowed when calculating the number of possible 100MB files in existence. Since my calculator won't cut it, I started a calculation in GNU bc, which is an arbitrary-precision calculator. It's been running for about 5 minutes now, and it still hasn't given me the answer. This result would be a very special case of the algorithm.

On top of that, I'm pretty sure that the header for a ZIP file alone is well more than 3 bytes.


After over 45 minutes, I just killed the job. Calculating it in a more sane manner, it's about 10^(-2,523,430), which is reeeealy tiny.

Or you could, you know, just use logarithms.

From this forum:

MP3-Beating Compression

This one is amazing. So many people actually believing in OP.
Back then I did implement something based on the ramblings of the OP with regards to his technique - ironically the data the program ultimately produced had the opposite effect, it caused zip compression to fail to reduce the size on any file which it was run on including small text files and mp3 files.

From this forum:

MP3-Beating Compression

This one is amazing. So many people actually believing in OP.

Back then I did implement something based on the ramblings of the OP with regards to his technique - ironically the data the program ultimately produced had the opposite effect, it caused zip compression to fail to reduce the size on any file which it was run on including small text files and mp3 files.

Same here, well, I wasn't around Gamedev at the time (hell I wasn't even in my teens back then) but a few years ago I figured out a groundbreaking compression algorithm. I was really excited but a few hours later I eventually discovered my algorithm wasn't reversible. My hopes were swiftly crushed. Then I read up on compression and laughed at myself in shame. So this thread does hit a bit close to home, but at least I didn't make a fool of myself in front of the world ;)

“If I understand the standard right it is legal and safe to do this but the resulting value could be anything.”

Beware the one who is Nes8Bit

My *girlfriends* X drove me over

Going in the Army

MadKeithV > TEH Univarse

I'm shocked by the lack of Ravuya in my favorite threads o_O

"You can't say no to waffles" - Toxic Hippo

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