
How to center the mesh?

Started by March 28, 2013 06:24 AM
1 comment, last by lucky6969b 11 years, 9 months ago

How can I center the mesh to world 0, 0, 0?

You see the pivots are a bit messy

On the left hand side, there is an extra pivot standing out so that I can't center the mesh to the origin,

Besides, when I select "Affect Pivot only", the whole bunch of pivots move along with it.

How can I, just to speak, to center the mesh from the right hand side to the center?




I'm no 3ds max user, but in Maya I would group all meshes, then center pivot (it will jump to the center of the group), then snap whole group to the grid at 0, 0, 0. Then ungroup. Voila! :)


Thanks, I tried it by myself actually beforehand, it took me half a day to rectify this. Thanks for your info.

Your info is valuable.


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