The ego comprises the organized part of the personality structure that includes defensive, perceptual, intellectual-cognitive, and executive functions.
This site simply would not exist without ego. There certainly wouldn't be any quality information to be had here without ego. Now, I know you meant ego in the negative connotation, but my point still stands.
What are the reasons someone posts something informative on these forums? A very great deal of it is aimed at influencing how they are perceived by others in the community. We all want to be perceived as knowledgeable by our peers, and so at least a portion of the reason of why we post is driven by ego, by the desire to be accepted, to appear knowledgeable, to garner praise. If ego weren't a factor, this forum (and any forum on the internet) would be a deserted wasteland. Nobody is 100% perfectly altruistic and self-effacing, and so absent the ego there would just be no point in trying to help others. It's just not human nature to discard ego completely.
So, no, we won't be eliminating ego here at any point, even if that were possible or desirable.
As far as the IOTD goes, just be patient while they work on it. Michael and the others have a lot of good ideas for this site going forward. Trust me when I say that they really are personally invested in seeing become
the place for game developers. Their success, though, will hinge a great deal on the community here.
What can you do to help make the community stronger so that it in return can benefit you? Would it be best to post constructive criticism and comments regarding specific aspects of the site or specific events that have occurred? Or would it be best to post a vague, passive-aggressive, all-encompassing attack against some nebulous "they" whom you mistakenly perceive to be somehow determined to lessen your enjoyment of the site through overwhelming abundance of ego? Isn't (ahem) egotistical of you to assert that everyone else must subvert their own ego in deference to yours?
In other words: get over yourself.