I find it ironic that you defend them so, considering that all of their excuses for being in a position of self-defense are entirely without merit.
Firstly, let me say that I hate America. I couldn’t stand the idea of living there which is why I moved away as soon as I was able. I have never even dated an American person, despite having grown up there. Not that I dislike America people themselves, just the overall culture. I also hate the North Korean culture of impoverishment, yet I have dated a North Korean. So each individual person is fine no matter his or her origin, but I refuse to live in America and that is final.
(A keen observer will recognize the irony that I have dated a North Korean but never a Westerner, not even an American.)
Firstly, Hodgman, your way of thinking was correct for the previous leader. Not the current one.
For a few reasons.
#1: America may have a spotty history of invading countries without reason, but that was Bush and there was a selfish reason to invade. We aren’t Bush anymore and there is nothing in North Korea America wants. No invasion could possibly be justified. Invasion requires justification to the rest of the world, and the ironic thing is that while Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction whereas North Korean actually does, those weapons of mass destruction that actually exist would merit to the world an invasion by America to get rid of them, yet America has never made any suggestion that it would do so because there is nothing in North Korea that America wants except a strategic outpost. That is not oil. Not even close. Nowhere near what America needs to actually pursue war.
Which means Kim Fat is an idiot. His excuse is that America is planning to invade him.
And yet if America ever did, the only reasons would be that he himself caused it to happen. Either by starting a war with South Korea as has happened or by making nuclear weapons.
#2: You claim he is all in defense and cite the American/South Korean military practice as a reason for that defensive stance.
Those military practices have taken place every year for the last 60 years, none of which have lead to an invasion of his country.
First-off, he has to be an idiot for thinking that this year is somehow different. Oh, unless he considers his own role in making escalating threats. Guess what. This year America did put a little bit more umph in its military practice. Because of his increasing threats in the months prior.
And you cite that as a reason for him to be defending his country?
You hate America I take it.
America should not go through with a yearly practice because of him? That would be the definition of giving in to him. America did the same thing it does with all of its allies on a yearly basis. That is not America’s fault.
Every year North Korea plays the same act, claiming that military drills with South Korea are part of some big plan to invade North Korea.
And for 60 years it has been wrong.
The risk of an invasion on North Korea is exactly equal to the world view of North Korea as a threat, which is exactly with Kim Fat has been betraying since he took leadership.
Calling out America in this case as the bad-guy who prompted them into this situation generations ago is just bullshit.
By that logic Japan would be even more fierce towards America, and why not South Korea too since they felt the same heat from America as North Korea did? They were the same country back then.
Down to how you spin the story?
What has America done except reply to threats towards North Korea?
America was the aggressor in a military exercise that they hold annually? Just because it pissed off North Korea does not mean America actually did anything aggressive or provocative. North Korea is looking for excuses, so that much is obvious. You can’t even omit hands or heads from photos of their statues of leaders without pissing them off.
Were you aware of that? How much do you really know North Korean culture?
America may have done things generations ago that you would want to use as an excuse to support North Korea’s side, but if that were valid then we could look back more and find that North Korea started the fight. Or maybe it was America further beyond that still, or another country before that still.
If all we did was hold grudges, no one would be alive right now.
And I personally am not going to take slack for ancestors of mine who I know to have been dimwitted and less responsible.
If America is not allowed to learn from its mistakes, neither is North Korea.
For the last 60 years America would be happy enough to just let North Korea be. North Korea is obviously the provocateur here.
America has never talked about or thought about North Korea during that whole time except when they suddenly come up with threats towards America and when they claim that daily life—yearly military drills in South Korea—are an exercise to invate North Korea, which has proved false for 60 years.
Growing up ion America, we learned about Iraq and Iran. The middle east. One of my classmates didn’t even know Korea was a country.
North Korea isn’t on the map unless it is shouting threats. That is how Americans feel. So when trouble starts, they brought it on themselves.
L. Spiro