
Writing Challenge "Underground"- There be prizes!

Started by March 20, 2013 01:00 AM
27 comments, last by Stormynature 11 years, 9 months ago

I just found out about this competition last week so sorry for the delay, I wrote an intro to a game that can be viewed at My email is and password is stag beetle enjoy Darkblade and don't be afraid to criticize.

There will be about a week's delay on wrapping up this competition as Stormynature is currently not mobile due to a back injury. He apologises for the delay.



My apologies for the delay in completing this writing challenge, as mentioned by my fiancé I managed to hurt myself in a rather dramatic fashion (carrying up the shopping).

As best as I am able to determine there have been 5 entries made into this challenge.

  • Jeremy Slupinski with Darkblade --------------- Please note Jeremy and I will PM you on this -- I am having issues opening your story - (or similar) rather than dropbox would be appreciated.

If I have missed any please do let me know. I will be going through each of these tales tonight more fully and will submit a wrapup of this event sometime in the next 24 hours.

Stormynature is still injured and unavailable, so he asked me to finish this up. By the voting, Technogoth and JessieJess tied as winners, congrats! :) Your names have been submitted for the prize of the year's GDnet+ subscription. I read all the entries, but did not have a personal favorite, I liked them all. (Except I was unable to access Jeremy Slupinski's Darkblade entry, another reason why I decided not to cast any kind of tiebreaker vote.) To winners and runners up alike, we should have more contests like this in the future and I look forward to seeing future entries from you all!

I want to help design a "sandpark" MMO. Optional interactive story with quests and deeply characterized NPCs, plus sandbox elements like player-craftable housing and lots of other crafting. If you are starting a design of this type, please PM me. I also love pet-breeding games.

Congratulations! Looks like I joined this community a bit too late to participate, but here's hoping for another chance next time c:

Looks like I just missed out on this contest. but it looks cool. Hope there is another one in the near future.


I'm shocked that I came out as one of the winners. I was feeling mighty embarrassed with that half written story I submitted, but I'm glad that people liked it enough to up vote it.

The contest was fun, and I hope to see more of these competitions in the future. :)

Congrats to the winners.. well done!

And did we actually find out if Stormynature is doing okay? How about giving us a little update on his condition so we know he's okay.

The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision --Helen Keller

Congratulations to Technogoth and JessieJess,

By way of explanation for my disappearance, I managed to hurt my back carrying shopping up the front steps and in the process of recovery had hurt the muscles on one side so much that my lower spine had started to curve sideways requiring me to be placed in traction to stop it from happening interspersed with non-traction periods of stretching and muscle building to recover to muscle back into doing its job properly. Unfortunately this situation did result in Jeremy Slupinski's entry not being dealt with fully as he did email me a copy of the work but I was in no position to deal with it.

I will be taking a small break from running any more challenges though at this point, until I am able to sit for substantially longer periods of time.

Thank you to all the entries and more importantly keep writing all of you.

edit: I have sent PM's to the two winners with regard the redemption of your GD-Net membership prizes.

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