
Writing Challenge "Underground"- There be prizes!

Started by March 20, 2013 01:00 AM
27 comments, last by Stormynature 11 years, 9 months ago

This particular competition is starting early as so many creative writers are damnably slow writers. It will only happen this first time, future competitions will start on the end day/first day of a month (Game writing is done to timelines set by others - get used to it!).

The situation.

Your protagonist is at the bottom of an extensive cave system. His/her goal is to escape this cave.

The task:

You are to write an origination story of how your protagonist found themselves at that location, as well providing the elements of why he/she must escape that situation.

Competition Closes:

30th April 2013 -------------- NOTE: Judging starts from now -- early work will probably be seen more - so take that into consideration.


The top 3 stories as shown by votes through the upvote/downvote will earn a year's GDNet membership (or if already accessed to this rank or higher - a Steam equivalent prize).


These competitions are going to be a regular thing. You should look upon these as opportunities to showcase your ability as well learning to work within specific deadlines.

Anyone can upvote or downvote posts. If you do have criticisms please make them constructive in your posts (grammar nazi is not constructive). If your posts become conversations please take them over to Private messages.

Also in case anyone does wonder why I don't do this through the lounge rather than in the the specific creative forums (yes there will be also art/music ones in the next 2 months), it is because I am looking for those who show intentions of interest by being respective members of the forum as opposed to drift netting entrants.

Uh, who moved this? It was supposed to be in the writing forum. It doesn't belong in Your Announcements because it's not an announcement of a game development milestone or sale. Put it back, unless you have a good reason it should be here.

I want to help design a "sandpark" MMO. Optional interactive story with quests and deeply characterized NPCs, plus sandbox elements like player-craftable housing and lots of other crafting. If you are starting a design of this type, please PM me. I also love pet-breeding games.


A whole month...I'm tempted to write something decent now.

If, at any point, what I post is hard to understand, tell me. I am bad at projecting my thoughts into real words, so I appreciate the knowledge that I need to edit my post.

I am not a professional writer, nor a professional game designer. Please, understand that everything you read is simply an opinion of mind and should not, at any point in time, be taken as a credible answer unless validated by others.

Do we just post it in this thread or do we make a new thread with a tag of some sort?

Do we just post it in this thread or do we make a new thread with a tag of some sort?

In this thread is probably the best way. You can do a link to another place if you wish but definitely don't create a new thread if it is for this challenge.

basically the challenge runs in style similar to the Tumbleweeds challenge where people post in the thread.

You know, I've been thinking, but isn't determining the winner by votes dependable on how many people are willing to scroll down, or to the next page? As in, the first page will get many more votes because most people won't bother going to the second?

While I'm not discounting the idea entirely, in fact I rather like the fact that the community gets the say in the matter, I do believe there should be slight tweaking.

A couple of different idea's in mind:

1. You pick the top 10 out of all the story's that have been voted on, and post them into a new thread, then have everyone vote once again. This way it provides a more accurate estimation of who's is the best, even though the idea's not perfect.

2. once again, you pick the top 10 that are voted. But instead of everyone else voting, you and a handful of people you believe can accurately judge, decide upon the three winners. While the community does get a huge say in who will win, the final decision will go to you and a few people.


these are just my opinions of course, there is really no need to change the judgement and you can ignore this, I just felt its imperfections could lead to an unfair judgement.

If, at any point, what I post is hard to understand, tell me. I am bad at projecting my thoughts into real words, so I appreciate the knowledge that I need to edit my post.

I am not a professional writer, nor a professional game designer. Please, understand that everything you read is simply an opinion of mind and should not, at any point in time, be taken as a credible answer unless validated by others.


You pick the top 10 out of all the story's that have been voted on

Given that this is the first mini-challenge in the writing forum and I do no advertising for it outside of this thread, if it manages to obtain 10 entires I would be very happy. The likelihood is probably less. This is a planned long-term set of challenges, as it grows then probably things will need to change but I am not at that stage yet and as evidenced by the mini-challenge Tumbleweeds I think that the voting is not a crisis issue to be concerned with at this time. As to selecting people who might appropriately judge entries...I disagree with this in one particular point. These challenges are more about fostering the communities inside each of the respective forums as well providing a platform upon which others can see work shown. I have no desire at all to have myself or selected individuals to then determine "worthy" entrants for consideration. I want people's work to stand for themselves - warts and all. If someone decides only to read the first page that is unfortunate, however I suspect that those people who read more than the first page...are the people I am looking for to help make this forum thrive.

Is there a word/page limit?

Is there a word/page limit?

No. However if you write a 300 page novel I would suggest a link.

Two questions:

1. Do we limit ourselves to how the protagonist found him/herself in the given situation and why s/he must escape? Or can we say how s/he escapes?

2. Can it be narrated in the first-person?

Thanks in advance. Will make sure to have an entry finished.

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