
Prototyping of models for Procedural Audio

Started by March 17, 2013 05:43 PM
-1 comments, last by CapricornOne 11 years, 9 months ago

Hey guys,

Forum newbie here. I'm currently doing a Masters' in Music Technology and am in the process of thrashing out ideas for my FInal Year Project. It's my intent to pursue a career in the games industry (from an audio perspective obviously) and I'm extremely interested in creating custom models for procedural audio in PureData (audio programming environment) as a more flexible solution to your standard FMod or WWise middleware. The great thing about PD is its open-source nature so integration isn't that much of an issue (at least using Unity, which the majority of my research has revolved around to date).

I'm looking for feedback or features (even potential apparent pitfalls/shortcomings) that actual programmers would expect to see to make this a worthwhile project and something that can be expanded upon in the future. I'm also interested in getting opinions on where you, as programmers, feel audio in games is headed and the best way to stay afloat having jumped in at the deep-end.

Any feedback/potential discussions would be greatly appreciated!


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