It would be nice if console manufacturers would stop thinking indie developers have cooties or whatever. We wont kill game sells by creating indie content.
I think that's what was so impressive about seeing Jonathan Blow on stage during the PS4 unveiling. I mean stop and think about it - This is the launch of a new device that has millions of dollars behind it, it's trying to get off on the best foot for a 10 year cycle, it's trying to impress gamers enough that their console is better than any other console and worth buying...and they demo it with The Witness? Next to the new Killzone? Crazy!
I think that Microsoft has managed to ruin their relationship with all the indie developers (eg. Edmund, Jonathan) enough that Sony is trying to capitalize on it. So far it seems to be working.
So, I hope that indie gaming is supported strongly on the next consoles. I probably spent 80% of my Xbox time on Xbox Live games, so if Sony can give proper support to indie gamers that would be awesome.