
HIV baby allegedly cured?

Started by March 03, 2013 11:55 PM
11 comments, last by Hodgman 11 years, 6 months ago

Apparently he wasn't on medication, and there were multiple tests to confirm. (Sorry about the crappy article should have picked a better one).

Obviously there's no consensus on this one either, but at least it's another case.

If Wikipedia isn't lying, no PCR against reverse transcriptase was made. Which, honestly, I find very surprising. Having the One Big Sensation at hand, one would certainly use the most reliable test available rather than a simple antibody test to prove that it's genuine. Unless of course, if one already knows it's a hoax.

The negative antibody test, is relatively meaningless, as it really only says there are no antibodies. That could be for a similar reason as stated for the case of the the baby (immune tolerance) or for many other reasons. Including, of course, recovering from HIV infection -- but that this is the least probable cause.

If this is true, proven, we know who will be congratulated by the next medicine's Nobel Prize

The guy that got cured from his leukemia treatment was because of a "standard" bone marrow transplant, since the new bone marrow pushed out his old immune system and it was replaced with the donors immune system.

It wasn't exactly a "standard" transplant. It was unrelated, as it was targeted at his leukaemia, but they did deliberately choose a donor that had a genetic immunity to HIV, which isn't standard.
Wait, that was in 2003, so if Stimpson is still negative then why are we not culturing bone marrow cells from HIV-immune donors?
void hurrrrrrrr() {__asm sub [ebp+4],5;}

There are ten kinds of people in this world: those who understand binary and those who don't.
Bone marrow transplants have a list of serious risks and complications, including an overall mortality rate of 10%, so it's only done when it absolutely has to be done.
[edit] Timothy Ray Brown is the guy cured by a bone marrow transplant.
Andrew Stimpson is the magically self cured guy.

Bone marrow transplants have a list of serious risks and complications, including an overall mortality rate of 10%

This. Plus the fact that "HIV immunity" is not necessarily a good thing. It is obviously "good" in the light of dying to a HIV infection, but in every other case, it's a disadvantage.

This "immunity" comes from a DNA defect which results in a broken receptor. This receptor is the main entrance mechanism for the HI virus, so if you don't have it or if it's broken, you're (mostly) immune.

So far so good, but the receptor plays an important physiological role in the communication between antigen-presenting cells, T helper cells, and killer cells. It is one of two receptors that together make the whole immune system work. Which means if it's broken then that's not precisely an advantage for survival, as your immune system is much less responsive overall.

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