
Game Industry Survey (Why people leave the games industry)

Started by February 24, 2013 07:40 AM
2 comments, last by szecs 11 years, 11 months ago

Game Industry Survey

I'm looking for some help here. I'm doing my Master's thesis on "Why people choose to leave the games industry" and what can a company do to prevent this. I'm gathering data in the form of two surveys.

The first, (this one), is to get a general understanding of common factors of why people choose to leave game development, which is more in an interview form with qualitative data. The second will take this data and form a quantitative data survey with answers in the form of a rating system on the same subject.

So far, I've gotten very little responses. If you are a current or previous game developer, your time would be greatly appreciated in providing feedback on this survey. The more people I get to respond, the more accurate data I can get. Anonymity is assured in your response.

Thank you for your time.

Thanks to those who took the time to fill out the survey. I appreciate it. The survey will still be open through Wednesday.

I took it just now.

I have actually been thinking about leaving the games industry recently.

Not because there is anything wrong with the industry. My working conditions are great, nice pay, I am home before sunset, and I live in my favorite city (Tokyo) because of games.

Rather, if I leave, it is because something better came along. Recently my acting job has really started to take off for whatever reason and yesterday I got an offer to have my own weekly TV show (which I accepted) (and this is my non-climactic announcement that I might be leaving as well).

I don’t understand why others want to leave. If they just got burned out then they just got unlucky to find the wrong company. Maybe they just don’t really know what they want from life.

The industry has been good to me since the start, but now something more fun, new, and exciting is coming my way, and the purpose of life is to keep everything fresh and new. For those who left or are leaving in spite, I think you just had bad luck. Better luck next time.

L. Spiro

I restore Nintendo 64 video-game OST’s into HD!

L. Spiro:

Others may leave for very similar reasons as you want to.

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