I am actually very happy to see this post, guys. It clearly means that you sat down and thought for a while. You drew conclusions and started over, with a much better approach. Congrats, that's the first step in the right direction.
I admit, that the previous topic did bring a smile on my face - my own road to the industry started with a similar abstract concept that having great ideas is enough
.if we have a more thourough understanding of the industry, maybe we'll come to find something we'd like to get into
That's a very good approach, actually. I think 90% of people who wanna get into gamedev want to be game designers. It is mostly because they don't know how many other great jobs there are in the industry. I too wanted to be a game designer. Took me "only" 6 months to figure out that I would rather be a producer with prospect of someday becomming an executive producer, able to push in some ideas without having to get into all this annoying system details.
I don't think I can give you better links than the ones that have already been given. I could give you some book titles, but they seem like too much of an investment for now, since they get very deep into the topic of game design. It's better to start with sloperama or extra credits for now - they will give you a better overview of the industry.
Read, explore, play games. Good luck!