
What game type do you prefer and why?

Started by February 22, 2013 12:57 AM
23 comments, last by sunandshadow 11 years, 5 months ago

I've added turn based RPG. Currently from the looks of it most of the voters prefer sandbox games, would you prefer 3D, like Minecraft, or 2D, like Terraria?

I would prefer 2d like Terraria. I don't mind Minecraft though. It has it's charms smile.png
*** Why'd you run away? ****** Don't you like my... style***

I've added turn based RPG. Currently from the looks of it most of the voters prefer sandbox games, would you prefer 3D, like Minecraft, or 2D, like Terraria?

I would prefer 2d like Terraria. I don't mind Minecraft though. It has it's charms smile.png

I too, prefer Terraria. But for some reason I get bored of Terraria faster..

Btw just want to say it: I refreshed the page and saw the votes go down from 20 to 19, i refreshed again two seconds later and saw the votes go up to 20 again. Knew immediately it was you changing your vote. Just wanted to say

I dont like 2D for more complex gameplay because i feel it lacks a dimension. Either you cant go around a point without digging/flying, or you cant dig/fly.

Something like DF might be ideal, however i would like to not be blind as to what happens on the level below if i can see 100 units to all directions on the current level... Also i might be able to shoot at any angle on the horizontal plane, but shooting at a vertical angle makes the projectile or whatever just appear on many levels for a vey short time (basically depth would be a "lesser" dimension of some sort)

2D top down - cant dig nor fly

2D side view - dem evil noobs built a giant stone tower in the middle of the world preventing all travel

DF style top down with depth - doibg things that incorporate multiple depth levels is a pain

3D - Itll end up laggy and confusing and with tenth of the features



Well I have this 2D sandbox game idea in mind inspired by Terraria. It would be more technological than Terraria, and even though it's 2D, you will be able to go indoors. I can't explain myself very well, but I'm trying to say like a door on the wall in the background that you can enter, and if you do, its like another layer behind the previous one. and it can go a few layers back. It saves alot of space. So Imagine Terraria with like multiple layers of tiles. Good / Bad / Dumb?

Honestly, I'm not a fan of action games. I prefer more intellectual games such as puzzles & adventures (not action/adventure, that's a completely different genre). Think Lucas Arts & Sierra games of old, or The Last Express (similar games which are sorely missing from app stores). I just like to take my time and play on my schedule and not the games. As for dimensions, I prefer 2D. I can only play 3D games for so long before I get nauseous and I also tend to find that 3D gameplay is too simplistic for my taste. (I don't mind 2D gameplay with 3D graphics though).

Cooperative 3D first-person action-RPGs with some minor platforming in an open-world.

Not sandboxes (e.g Minecraft), but open worlds (like the Elder Scrolls games). I'm not opposed to sandbox games, and enjoyed cooperative Minecraft, but I want open worlds because of the more cultivated and designed experience but still allowing exploration and choice. Bonus points if it gives you just enough a sandbox for multiple creative solutions to each problem.


Honestly, I'm not a fan of action games. I prefer more intellectual games such as puzzles & adventures (not action/adventure, that's a completely different genre). Think Lucas Arts & Sierra games of old, or The Last Express (similar games which are sorely missing from app stores). I just like to take my time and play on my schedule and not the games. As for dimensions, I prefer 2D. I can only play 3D games for so long before I get nauseous and I also tend to find that 3D gameplay is too simplistic for my taste. (I don't mind 2D gameplay with 3D graphics though).

I too prefer 2D, as I might have mentioned before, but I can't say the same for puzzles and adventures. I don't really enjoy them, even if they are more intellectual. As for action/adventure, now that's what I like!

Cooperative 3D first-person action-RPGs with some minor platforming in an open-world.

Not sandboxes (e.g Minecraft), but open worlds (like the Elder Scrolls games). I'm not opposed to sandbox games, and enjoyed cooperative Minecraft, but I want open worlds because of the more cultivated and designed experience but still allowing exploration and choice. Bonus points if it gives you just enough a sandbox for multiple creative solutions to each problem.

Elder Scrolls games are good indeed, by the way, they're developing an Elder Scrolls mmo, I registered for beta... but never got a reply... Anyways I like Minecraft too, but I can't deal with griefers.

Thanks for your opinions!

If we're discussing 2D vs. 3D, I'd like to say that for action games in particular I prefer 2D, for the same reason as Nytegard, that I get motion sickness from some 3D games. Especially first person ones where there are fast movements required (i.e. action games). Games like Half-life and Vindictus I just can't play due to nausea, and I had some uncomfortable moments during Zelda: Twilight Princess and Skyrim, though I finished both of those. (Well, it's not really possible to finish Skyrim, but close enough.) For most game types I like 2D and 3D equally well, though the 2D has to be high res cartoons/anime, I detest pixel art. On the other hand for a sandbox game I think 3D is probably a better choice than 2D because it's better suited to user customization and playing a life in a virtual world.

I want to help design a "sandpark" MMO. Optional interactive story with quests and deeply characterized NPCs, plus sandbox elements like player-craftable housing and lots of other crafting. If you are starting a design of this type, please PM me. I also love pet-breeding games.

You left fighting games off the list.

Currently the only game I am playing is Persona 4 Arena.

Why? Because my coworkers play it.

After losing at lunch every day I secretly bought a PlayStation 3 just for that game and trained on my own so that suddenly I could surprise them with my abilities one day.

Just like old times… …(Super Smash Bros. Melee and losing to my friends.)

L. Spiro

I restore Nintendo 64 video-game OST’s into HD!

First of all, thanks for your comments, and I apologize for a late reply because I was unable to log into my account.

If we're discussing 2D vs. 3D, I'd like to say that for action games in particular I prefer 2D, for the same reason as Nytegard, that I get motion sickness from some 3D games. Especially first person ones where there are fast movements required (i.e. action games). Games like Half-life and Vindictus I just can't play due to nausea, and I had some uncomfortable moments during Zelda: Twilight Princess and Skyrim, though I finished both of those. (Well, it's not really possible to finish Skyrim, but close enough.) For most game types I like 2D and 3D equally well, though the 2D has to be high res cartoons/anime, I detest pixel art. On the other hand for a sandbox game I think 3D is probably a better choice than 2D because it's better suited to user customization and playing a life in a virtual world.

Yes, we are discussing 2Dv3D as well as your favorite game genres. I personally like 2D more than 3D in most games, so I can't agree with most of what you said, especially pixel art. I adore pixel art, but for sandbox games, 3D might be a better choice than 2D because not only does it add an extra dimension to the game, it does make it more of a simulator.

You left fighting games off the list.

Currently the only game I am playing is Persona 4 Arena.

Why? Because my coworkers play it.

After losing at lunch every day I secretly bought a PlayStation 3 just for that game and trained on my own so that suddenly I could surprise them with my abilities one day.

Just like old times… …(Super Smash Bros. Melee and losing to my friends.)

L. Spiro

I added fighting, but I was never really into those games so it didn't come to mind when I was making the poll. But hey, it's a game genre.

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