This is my first post here, though I have been lurking on this site for a while. I have been using Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 Express edition for the past two weeks, so I'm still very new with it. I tried to compile AngelScript from source using the provided project for VC++ 2012 edition, and I got these 5 errors (used to be 10, with 5 of them being Intellisense errors, those are gone now though):
Description File Line Col Project
Error 1 error C3861: 'InitializeCriticalSection': identifier not found as_thread.cpp 334 1 angelscript
Error 2 error C3861: 'CreateSemaphore': identifier not found as_thread.cpp 384 1 angelscript
Error 3 error C3861: 'InitializeCriticalSection': identifier not found as_thread.cpp 386 1 angelscript
Error 4 error C3861: 'WaitForSingleObject': identifier not found as_thread.cpp 413 1 angelscript
Error 5 error C3861: 'WaitForSingleObject': identifier not found as_thread.cpp 437 1 angelscript
The error is coming from the file "as_thread.cpp", but from my Google searches and my quick search of the GameDev forum, I haven't found any solutions to remove those errors in order to successfully compile AngelScript. I was hoping someone on these forums might have an potential solutions or workarounds. I have tried adding
#include <synchapi.h>
to the code in the file "as_criticalsection.h", since it is running on Windows 8, and InitializeCriticalSection is supposed to be in that header file according to MSDN, but the errors persist.