So this was sort of a shock to me, as I am coming from a long time programming background that is not in the game space, but maybe its seen as normal to you with more experiences. Either way, I wanted to ask about this and get the thoughts of everybody, because I figure maybe one of you has some insight I lack or can otherwise provide a reason for this. And I can not learn if I do not ask, either way.
So I started t.o research different game engines and tools with an idea to work on a project, and I was amazed by the terms and price points being quoted to me. One wanted 100k for only binaries, no support and no updates (So if I found a big bug, I was screwed). Another wanted a 30% revenue share, to effectively take 30 cents of every dollar I made (That would be in gross, not net!). Most refused to not provide support (one engine cited it as damage control, as apparently they get a lot of vocal people on the internet bad mouthing them who do not even know basic C++). Some quoted me a price, then stated that was per person allowed to touch the code. Some wouldn't quote me a price unless I signed an agreement that I wouldn't tell others the price I was given (I refused, so they wouldn't tell me the price). Most sent me an auto-reply if I was lucky, and must have simply decided it wasn't worth replying to because I got no response, Most of them dont seem to even want people to know the price.
Is this the standard in Game Development circles? Are these prices so high for any specific reason, given the sheer volume of the games they could be doing? And why are the rev-share percentages so high? The landscape doesn't seem to be very Indy friendly, and I'm having trouble understanding why this is given that anything that stops games from being successful or limits what people just starting out can do also limits their own possible market share for the things they are trying to sell, so I see such rev-share and initial costs as limiting to the engine sellers as well. After all if only a few can afford to use their engine, they will make a lot less money.
As ignorant as I am sure I sound, It seems very short sighted to me, and even accounting for support, dev time, etc, it seems excessive to me as the ignorant noob who just wants to make a great game and give people something they will enjoy, Am I wrong to think this way? What am I missing? And what are the common options?