Hello all.
I have been reading through this site (and others) for the last couple
days and was wondering if anyone could shed some light on a few
questions I have about writing for a games. Sorry if these are something
I should've figured on my own or read elsewhere, couldn't hurt to ask !
The questions are in bold with some elaborating underneath.
Any help would be appreciated !
-Is it okay to write a story that is partially told through the game design ?
One of the first guide lines I came across regarding writing a story for a game was that it is NOT game design. A writer should be a writer for the story and script and not trying to design the games functionality.
I find this a very challenging thing to avoid though.
I feel as I am sure most of you do that the games mechanics have a huge
impact on telling the story and I often find myself thinking "for this
scene to have the most impact the game must have 'this mechanic' or
'this visual ascetic'. So as the question states - Is it okay to build
your story with a certain end product in mind ?
-How do you present a story to a development team and do they need it ?
I have found a lot of the tips on pitching and presenting to be regarding
the entire game as a whole, presented from development team to a
potential publisher. This indicates to me that they already have
everything in the game ready to go as well as the story itself, Dev
teams, artists, programmers, overview of mechanics and business plans
etc. My question is do Dev teams need writers on a regular basis ? As I
would imagine that is the Director that has the vision for the game even if he needs a writer to
spit-shine his story, Do they want/need writers pitching their own ideas ?
That brings me to the second part of that question. How to pitch to a studio?
Like I said above, when the studio pitches to their/potential publisher they
already have a lot more than just the story in the works. Does a writer
pitch a story to a studio and also explain the intended game
feel/design that supports the story's style and feel OR does the writer
simply provide the events as a novel type format and the studio builds a
game using elements of the story ?