
Thinking of starting up an idea, looking for comments, thoughts, etc.

Started by January 12, 2013 06:50 PM
1 comment, last by Arcand 12 years, 1 month ago

So my idea is pretty simple on the outside, I want to start a website that can connect the people who make resources for games - models, textures, sound files, etc. with the growing number of people that are trying to make there own indie game. Where it gets confusing is the thought that puts it all together - I would have a lawyer friend of mine write up a legal document saying that if the indie developers dont put the artists name in the credits, they would get fined some obscene amount of money for plagiarism, there-by making the enticement for the artists to be getting there name as an independent artist - and there work - deeper in the community. The thought is to remove the concept of money so that indie developers can focus more on the game they are making and a bit less on the costs.

This is, however, an afterthought I had over the past few weeks and I havn't thought out much of it. Im under the impression I would have to go to the kick-starter type websites to fund its creation and the (severely reduced) lawyer fee for the legal stuff, and the continuing funding I havn't thought out yet passed the point of possibly asking for donations for the servers, etc.

Please share what ever this message has brought up in your thoughts, I will be checking this forum and possibly others like it all day.

Alexander Arcand.

A bit like or Free Art Search?

- Jason Astle-Adams


yes, but the idea is to connect the people, sorting all the resources first into artist then in to types and making it so artists wanting there name out can safely say they made a major commitment, having say a set of aliens in an indie game rather than a single alien. My thought is it would make the end result more of a portfolio addition...

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