So my idea is pretty simple on the outside, I want to start a website that can connect the people who make resources for games - models, textures, sound files, etc. with the growing number of people that are trying to make there own indie game. Where it gets confusing is the thought that puts it all together - I would have a lawyer friend of mine write up a legal document saying that if the indie developers dont put the artists name in the credits, they would get fined some obscene amount of money for plagiarism, there-by making the enticement for the artists to be getting there name as an independent artist - and there work - deeper in the community. The thought is to remove the concept of money so that indie developers can focus more on the game they are making and a bit less on the costs.
This is, however, an afterthought I had over the past few weeks and I havn't thought out much of it. Im under the impression I would have to go to the kick-starter type websites to fund its creation and the (severely reduced) lawyer fee for the legal stuff, and the continuing funding I havn't thought out yet passed the point of possibly asking for donations for the servers, etc.
Please share what ever this message has brought up in your thoughts, I will be checking this forum and possibly others like it all day.
Alexander Arcand.