I work for a new startup near Seattle, WA. We are designing a passion discovery system for teenagers. The system takes teenagers' passions and interests and builds out a curriculum based on what they love to do merged with what they are naturally good at. It's a really amazing thing our engineers have built and is getting better all the time.
We're doing a lot of testing right now. My exciting job is to help make the gamer area as exciting, thorough and intensive as possible. The idea is to take a teen who is passionate about gaming and show them everything they need to know about the gaming industry. Our system "cracks" their talents, passions, and interests, and then merges all of that into a very addicting learning platform for teenagers from 5th to 12th grade.
(scenario: A teen passionate about gaming begins to explore our system. We "crack" two areas he is interested in: gaming and law. Our system leads him down a path of extensive learning videos on both of those focus areas. By the time the teenager hits high school they know they want to be a copyright lawyer representing video game publishers, where to go to school for the right degree, and how to get a job in that field.)
Where I need help:
- Choosing categories in gaming for teens to explore. (design, 3d modeling, marketing, writing, etc.)
I've been building a list but I need some advice on areas associated with gaming that teenagers should learn if they are going to eventually join the gaming industry. Please give me some ideas to add.
If you know teenagers that are interested in gaming, send them to Empower.me for Gamers to signup. The accounts are free for teens and it will help us to troubleshoot, grade, rate, and make the system better.