so i have the basics of programming and "visual" web development (i mean i can make things look the way i want them).
the reason im posting here is because i want to learn how to make real time browser games, without using flash, i want to use the tools that come with the browser itself like php, javascript, html5 etc...
i have some general questions and some specific questions, so lets start with the general ones:
general questions:
1- do you know about a good book that will get me on the right track, specially on the networking part.
2- what is a good way that you would recommend to interact with the database in real time, or interact with other players, i can load stuff from databases and write on them, but usually when i use php to manipulate databases, it requires a submit button to send data to the server, so i would like to know if there is a way to do this without leaving the current page, like with javascript but accessing the actual server.
3- even tho i have knowledge of programming, i have pretty much nothing when it comes to networking, how would it work?, (like the log in stuff, to get the user and have him play against or with other users in real time), that part sounds really scary to me, but hopefully its not THAT hard. so yeah, how would it work?
specific questions:
4- lets say i want to have a battle between 2 users, each one of them will have 3 characters, and each character wil have 3 different spells, is it a good thing to have every available character and every available spell in the database?
5- (only if the anwer of #4 is yes), then alright, each character in the database will have data like hp, mana, items and pretty much numeric stuff, but it will also have 3 spells, those spells would have complex effects that i cant just put in numbers in the database, so how would it work?, lets say one of the spells should hit one of the enemies for 50 hp, and then break that 50hp and give each of the teammates 50% of that as a shield (25 & 25 with 2 teammates), how would i put all that effect in a database? and how would i use it?
well thats pretty much all i need, feel free to answer even if you cant answer all of the questions, also note that the most important of those for me is #3, because i dont have any kind of experience or basics on that field, so any help will be appreciated, thanks a lot.