
Happy New Baktun

Started by December 22, 2012 09:34 AM
3 comments, last by DividedByZero 11 years, 8 months ago

Looks like the world wasn't destroyed. Good thing too. It's where I keep all my stuff.

I resolve to get a game completed this baktun and maybe loose 10 pounds. I look forward to starting a family with my wife knowing that flesh eating zombies will not be roaming the streets due to an otherwise obscure date on the calendar that I typically use.

Though I don't really understand what a baktun is, I regret not celebrating this moment more as something that occurs every 394 years sounds pretty cool. It would've been a good excuse to drink beer and have some fun. Maybe next time.

">This video explains the Mayan calendar system fairly well. As for resolutions, I've never been a fan of them, but I guess I'll try to survive as long as I can and somehow abstractly improve the state of the world. Hopefully I can achieve immortality through bonding with a machine and then I can do more good... Also, I should probably spend more time coding...


come on man, you didn't hear of the apocalypse of 2013?!, we arn't out of the water yet!, of course then the zombies well have to deal with the vampire apocalyse of 2014, which have to deal with the zombie-vampire war of 2016, finally in 2036 apophis well hit us, and the world well end in flames.[/sarcasm]

Check out for some great games made by me on the Playstation Mobile market.
I just can't help but think that in the name of learning about other cultures, we should be looking for more obscure dates and excuses to throw parties and have a good time. And think of all the untapped opportunities for marketing stuff. Come to think of it, I'm a bit surprised there weren't more tv shows and movies centered on this stuff. Maybe I haven't been paying attention but I think there was a lot more Y2k stuff back in the day.

[quote name='kseh' timestamp='1356168892' post='5013366']I resolve to get a game completed this baktun and maybe loose 10 pounds[/quote]

You should be able write a full MMO in that time on your own ;)

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