Oh God, it's like peering into four-dimensional space. I can't even- *brainsplosion*
Say, I wonder if 4D games'll ever be a thing.
I don't know.. 4D maze games are fun and all but it's rather difficult for us humans to conceptualise the fourth dimension with our puny minds. I don't think it's going mainstream anytime soon. The Portal games were kind of in the same vein, though, with a limited fourth dimension (dimension as in degree of freedom), but I don't think that's what you were thinking about.
On the other hand, I would enjoy seeing the temporal dimension (time) being exploited a little more in future games. Currently we make very little use of it and just let it flow at a constant speed (just like in real life) with the occasional "bullet time" slow motion effect, that kind of stuff.. but it would be interesting to experiment with interactive nonlinear time to see how players respond to it. It already kind of exists in arcade games, but I don't see it often outside scripted events in shooters for instance.
their was a game for the 360 that heavily featured reversing/pausing time, it was a pretty decent game imo, but it's name slips my mind.