quote: Original post by Hase
and on a personal note: i hated the spellcasting system of B&W. Actually I hated most of the game. I hated the Tamagochi, which after half an hour had shown no practical use whatsoever, i hated the petty way in which i had to do shitty little tasks for my villagers (allright, so i burnt down their houses and had some fun...), and i hated the "one-armed leg-amputee´s" style of moving through the landscape... a god should float and soar, and not have to drag himself through the muck...
As for the movement, the trick is to zoom way out til you see the place you want to go, then zoom in. If you do that, it''s an efficent way to move and it does give you the feeling of being a god.
As for the spellcasting, at first I thought it was a bit annoying but I think it''s fairly interesting and it''s consistant with the rest of the game. Although I found the having to physically move the mouse to stroke or hit your creature was a bit annoying.
Although, do agree with most of what you said there, Hase. Controls shouldn''t be what makes the game hard. It''s a different matter if the game is based on how quickly and accurately you use simple controls such as in the old arcade games.
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