
RPG with Dual Mouse

Started by October 16, 2001 02:20 PM
23 comments, last by Ronin_54 23 years, 4 months ago
Ever thought of using two mouses with a single computer? And then apply it to a Role Playing Gamer? Ever imagined to both control your character and your sword in a fight, with pin-point accuracy? Ever imagined to cast spells like in Black & White, only with more difficulty? Use two mouses! :D Now seriously: do you guys think that using two mouses, and therefor real skills, for fighting and magic would be a good thing, or just a hindrance?
Not sure how two mouses (mice?) will improve accuracy.

And I thought the spell casting in B&W WAS too difficult. I don''t want to rely on an unreliable tool (mouse) to cast spells.

I DO think that there must be different input device mechanisms (future?) that can aid rpg games.

First, let''s think of something that will allow a player to control two swords at once while at the same time controlling movement.
You either believe that within your society more individuals are good than evil, and that by protecting the freedom of individuals within that society you will end up with a society that is as fair as possible, or you believe that within your society more individuals are evil than good, and that by limiting the freedom of individuals within that society you will end up with a society that is as fair as possible.
Judging from the fact very few people would have two mouses it would be quite a hinderance...

Although if two mice became standard... There could be some pretty neat things done... As long as everything was done with gesturing of the mouses.


hehe... you say "mouses" too...
Oh yeah.. and dual joysticks would be fun...

I got it! Two keyboards! Yes! Now we''re talking!

Two keyboards would be too hard to accomplish :D

But getting a second mouse is a very easy thing to do. Heck, you can even ship mice with your game! And they are accurate enough. Heck, I can snipe a fly in the enemy base in UT, so it''s accurate enough.

And it''s not about "increasing accuracy". It''s about making things more difficult. For almost everyone, using two mice at the same time is a hard task. It requires training. Also, to use them independently is even harder. But wonderfull for fighting.

Imaging using the mouse in your left hand to move yourself around and manipulate your shield, and use your right hand for a weapon.

Or create a ''shift'' key on your left mouse. When you press it, you can walk. When you don''t, you can use a second sword. Then try to use both swords effectivly...

Requires skill, isn''t too hard to program, is a new thing, etc. etc. Is also cheap :D
I actually have two mice on my desk. One is USB, the other serial, a left-over artifact from when USB was freezing on my machine.

The first problem that comes to mind with this would be desk space. The other would be "handedness." People would need to go out and get left-handed mice if they don''t already have them, or right-handed in the opposite case, as the molding for many mice seems biased (then again, it could just be the Logitech and Microsoft mice I use...)

It would be different, though...

Just waiting for the mothership...
--------------------Just waiting for the mothership...

If we could have two of something it should be those dumb controllers that don''t even work.

"He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster... when you gaze long into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into you..."~Friedrich Nietzsche
------------------------------Put THAT in your smoke and pipe it
Um... maybe I''m missing something here. But connecting two mice to your computer doesn''t give you two mouse pointers, only two devices to control the one you have...

Personally, I think mouse-and-keyboard is a better deal than mouse-and-mouse.
Anon is right... at least under Windows it is not possible to have two mice as there is no API support for it. Hmmm... I suppose DirectInput might fix this, but I don''t think so.

The Amiga actually supported two mice... I remember playing Lemmings with two people. Of course, that game was probably reading the game port directly and bypassing any OS support.
while its technically possible (at least i remember playing settlers with two mice), i dont think its of much use, for various reasons:

1) The need to have two mice, if you ship one with your game it costs money (ok, crap mice for $5 but stil...). Most users (im thinking of the casual gamers especially) are too lazy to crawl under the desk and plug in a second mouse. Hell, I havent even played XWing Alliance yet because I´m too lazy to plug in my joystick.

2) More difficult control (you wanted this, but I dont). Controls should be smooth and easy, no matter if you´re driving a tank or swinging a sword. Anyone remember "Trespasser"? Wonderful engine, very realistic. Crap play.

3) You´re not used to driving a mouse with your off-hand. Traditionally (in a right-handed person) the left is on the keyboard.

4) I don´t have the patience anymore to learn new controls for every game. What I want are easy, intuitive controls. Or better yet, controls which i already know.
For instance, the "standard" FPS controls are asdwx+mouselook, everyone is used to them, everyone uses them.

5) I dont think its necessary if you want complex control over you character. Probably the same think could be done via mouse+keyboard. The problem will not be controls which are not detailed enough, but a game that ends up like trespasser.

6) Controls in general should not necessarily represent any realistic model of action (ex: left mouse moves left arm, right mouse moves right arm). Controls should be direct, point-and-klick is adequate for most situations.

7) If you want your fights to be difficult, that should be done via the game, not by forcing an unfamiliar control device on the player. You can have mouse controls, plus six buttons on the keyboard for various actions, which allows for input that is just as complex, but easier to learn.

and on a personal note: i hated the spellcasting system of B&W. Actually I hated most of the game. I hated the Tamagochi, which after half an hour had shown no practical use whatsoever, i hated the petty way in which i had to do shitty little tasks for my villagers (allright, so i burnt down their houses and had some fun...), and i hated the "one-armed leg-amputee´s" style of moving through the landscape... a god should float and soar, and not have to drag himself through the muck...

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