[quote name='way2lazy2care' timestamp='1355232911' post='5009411']
You know they still build a lot of houses out of brick and mortar...
And they are more expensive, slower to build and far less energy efficient. What's your point?
They're more expensive, but it really doesn't take that much more time to build these days and they're more energy efficient than a lot of new houses these days. The point is you're generalizing an old methodology as a bad methodology. Just because it's old doesn't mean it does not have situations where it is better.
PHP's positives are also negative as well. It has a very active community. The majority of it's community however are amateurs. It's very much a case of the blind leading the blind and occasionally someone sees the light and realize how bad PHP is as a language and moves on to something else.[/quote]
This is the same with pretty much every community. I have seen tons of bad C++ code. I have seen tons of bad Java code. I have seen tons of bad javascript. The problem isn't that most php developers are amatuers; the problem is that most people are amatuers. Maybe php's nature of being friendly to novice coders amplifies the voice of novices in communities, but I wouldn't say by any means that php is in isolation in having a large base of amatuers.What I'm saying is, if you're new to web development and looking to learn, stay away from PHP. It's a black hole of poor language design, lousy management and amateur users.
This might be what you're trying to say, but it is coming across more like, "PHP SUCKS. YOU SUCK BECAUSE YOU THINK IT HAS REASONABLE USE CASES. YOU ALL KNOW NOTHING ABOUT WEB DEVELOPMENT. LEARN TO USE A REAL LANGUAGE SCRIPT KIDDIES." It may not be quite how you intend to come across, but you're being very abrasive toward people who hold differing viewpoints and outside of some semantic errors the points being made by them are at least worth voicing.