Similar things were said about languages in the past which are almost never used now for game related programming, but at the time were said to last until the earth is destroyed.
I have already answered you about this. The ASM-> C -> C++ shift was possible because all those languages are strictly related to each other, allowing a "gentle" shift.
Look.. I am not a C++ "geek". I use it because it allows me to do what I need to do with the smallest investment in time. AAA studios are not using C++ because they are crazy.. they are business oriented companies, they do what they have to do to stay where they are... C++ advantages over C were evident and to industry moved to C++.. as soon a new viable option will be REALLY available, nobody will stay with C++, I didn't swear any kind of alliance to it. Actually I am constantly evaluating possibilities to move away from it.. and not with forums rants, but with facts.. one example? The dedicated server for my new game uses Go.. was it a good decision? I don't know, I spent lots of time rewriting the basic network classes.. now if I need a protocol change, I need to implement it in C++ on my game client side and in Go for the server side.
I also developed ad shipped a product with a C++ DX10 backend and a C# front end.. and I was as enthusiastic as you about it... but the moment you start adding PhysX, XAudio and so on to the picture you realize it isn't really worth the hassle of constantly switch from one world to the other.
It is always easier to use a technology with the language it was coded in... in Go for example you can do OpenGL.. but consider the hassle on Windows, setup git, setup msys, go and get one of the OGL bindings hoping it is the "best" one.. sometimes it works, sometimes it doesnt, i spent a weekend trying to link a Go program that used glew on party. Using C/C++ all this is just, literally, 1 minute work. Apply this to PhysX, Havok, FMOD, XAudio, CUDA, C++ AMP and any other third party library you have and you'll soon see that the amount of effort needed to "project" these into something else than C/C++ isn't something to underestimate.
Again, I love C# and I absolutely adore F#, nothing else would make me happier than being able to use these everyday.. but, this is my job, I can't risk a project failure to promote the language I like and not the "right" language for the job.. it's not going to happen, but if it'll happen, I'll be the first to jump in the pool an party.