
What do you think of this?

Started by November 11, 2012 09:36 PM
40 comments, last by ShiftyCake 12 years, 2 months ago
The Game is as follows:
This list reminds me of all those "Let's make a game that's like XXX, but better!" ideas. Nothing innovative in it, nothing that grabs your attention, a lot of wishful thinking though probably without any real thought going into those would be killer features.

The Game is as follows:

This list reminds me of all those "Let's make a game that's like XXX, but better!" ideas. Nothing innovative in it, nothing that grabs your attention, a lot of wishful thinking though probably without any real thought going into those would be killer features.

this thread was dead, there was no need to make another post telling them that they're not innovative, and probably won't bother to do anything with the thought. In fact, it's rather rude.

If, at any point, what I post is hard to understand, tell me. I am bad at projecting my thoughts into real words, so I appreciate the knowledge that I need to edit my post.

I am not a professional writer, nor a professional game designer. Please, understand that everything you read is simply an opinion of mind and should not, at any point in time, be taken as a credible answer unless validated by others.

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