What I'm going for are some basic sound effects like slashing a sword, firing an arrow, opening a door, picking up an item etc without any foley work. I've been having a lot of success using trackers for background music, menu noises etc but I'm having a lot of difficulty making action sound effects, has anyone else used a tracker for these?
For a simple attack sound I took the sword slash sound from A Link to the Past and took a look at it in Audacity. It essentially seems like a noise track sped up but I'm having trouble recreating something like it. When I try it mine basicly sounds like noise sped up no matter how I try and modulate it.
If anyone has any insights into how these kinds of sounds are made I would really appreciate it. I know making audio in the NES/SNES/Genesis days was an art in itself but for now I'm not worrying about authenticity, just how I might go about making these kind of sound effects with current (And preferably free) software
EDIT: I do understand that there are hundreds of these effects out there free, but I would still like to have a go at making my own