
Can make money with flash games

Started by October 17, 2012 09:26 AM
3 comments, last by littletray26 12 years, 4 months ago
i want to make flash games but i dont know how much earn with avarage game.
for example Cursed Treasure
is this game can earn thousands of dolar ?
my map aplications
The average game makes little or no money, but popular Flash games can potentially make thousands of dollars. To make money your game needs to be popular, and you need to select one or more appropriate ways of monetizing; sponsorship, advertising, micro-transactions, etc.

Honestly, if your main interest is making money you should get yourself a stable job instead of developing games. Making money from flash games can be very hit-and-miss -- especially until you have a few successes and establish a solid process -- and probably isn't the reliable income you might be hoping for.

On the other hand, if you really want to make games and want to also make some money -- or perhaps eventually your entire income -- doing it you shouldn't be worrying about how much the average game makes. You should instead be focussed on learning to create great games and effectively monetizing them.

Looking specifically at "Cursed Treasure", it's a reasonably high quality game which has obviously been sponsored by Armour Games; this sponsorship could have earned the developer a single fixed-amount payment of anywhere from a few hundred to several thousand dollars. It would also have earned some money from ad revenue shares with the many portals it's shared on. I don't see any other obvious form of monetization -- premium upgrades for example -- in this particular title.

Have a read of the Flash Love Letter on Lost Garden, as well as some of the references linked at the end.

Hope that's helpful! smile.png

- Jason Astle-Adams

Take a look at Its a place for making money off of web game sponsorships and such ( Mostly flash although they support for unity and HTML5 )
Checkout my Journal ( Just started ) for info on my game development status:
You can also sell Flash games instead of going the sponsor/ad route. I believe McPixel is a flash game and that is now sold as a stand alone game on Steam. I don't think there's anything inherently limiting when it comes to selling a flash game outside of needing to target platforms that support Flash.

You can also sell Flash games instead of going the sponsor/ad route. I believe McPixel is a flash game and that is now sold as a stand alone game on Steam. I don't think there's anything inherently limiting when it comes to selling a flash game outside of needing to target platforms that support Flash.

This is correct. Steam can and does vend Flash games.
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