
What helps you be productive? (with everything)

Started by October 14, 2012 03:20 AM
31 comments, last by ISDCaptain01 11 years, 10 months ago
Good night sleep, music, coffee, routine and morning exercise. Also I don't eat a heavy breakfast something light like some organic trail mix ( a mix of nuts and dried fruits ). Seems to work for me. Also it's important to enter what i call "work mode", ie a focus attentive state for working.
Sound canceling headphones with music or a podcast going (preferably boring so I can zone out easily), drink coffee and/or energy drinks, close everything on my computer except the program I want to work in, then just work.
What I do is I make my self feel guilty of wasting time. I like to optimize my time to get as many things done as possible. I usually set a routine everyday and alot a specified amount of time to each thing I want to do. For example I spend and 1 hour everyday on my own personal programming projects. 2 hours to studying, 1.5 hours on games, 30 mins for working out. Thats my base day and doesnt include time at school. Every moment I waste, could have been spent achieving something. You just gotta have the mentaility "No, I wont let ANYTHING destract me, theres no time to waste!!!!!", although dont burn yourself out either, that will destory your motivation

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