
What helps you be productive? (with everything)

Started by October 14, 2012 03:20 AM
31 comments, last by ISDCaptain01 11 years, 10 months ago

I'll typically just sit on the computer in no-man's land going GameDev->StackOverflow->Facebook->Check Email->(repeat).

Oh yeah, know that too well. Replace StackOverflow with Reddit though...

I started using trello as my todo list and it helped somewhat. Be sure to include every task that may be lurking in the dark corners of your brain.
Procrastination can be a sign of mental stress. Are you otherwise happy? I want to apologize if that question is too personal.
Keeping to a routine works well for me. Schedules and todo lists, preferably on paper, also seem to help.
Just be careful, because to-do lists can be counter-active. wink.png
I wrote about this in another thread not too long ago.

But to reiterate a few salient points:

  • Start at the same time every day
  • End at the same time every day
  • Don't work more than that, because you will start to rely on super-sessions to make up for procrastinating
  • Jealously guard your work time
  • And if it's not working, get up and take a [walk/nap/exercise/bowl of cereal/wank/poop/whatever works for you]. Just relax and try again in an hour.

[Formerly "capn_midnight". See some of my projects. Find me on twitter tumblr G+ Github.]

I use to have this problem too(ahem might say still have...). I use this:


before any kind of work and then I put up stickers with "do not even think it!" on it.

Infinity meditation is very fun and makes one think of... Well INFINITY and makes one calm blink.png I do not know why it works but it does. Also get enough sleep, take a walk outside while doing some thinking about the work or just observe the surroundings outside. Also I usually experience what you experience when the workload is too high and I forget to take some time of to relax.

Also use your alarm clock in your cell phone so you only have like 30 minutes for online social websites when you get up(or after work) and then these sites are made forbidden zone for the rest of the day.

God knows how much time I have wasted in the past doing this "evil loop of never ending repeat" tongue.png

"The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education"

Albert Einstein

"It is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education"

Albert Einstein

What helps me a bit is remembering that I actually kinda like doing the work once I'm a bit into it. Which means that I'm not really trying to avoid doing the work, I'm trying to avoid starting the work. The threshold of time between the where I'm starting and actually doing something is determined by me alone and so it's really up to me how long the suffering takes place.
Damn I wish I knew how to be productive. Putting the pro in procrastinate for 10+ years now...

Damn I wish I knew how to be productive. Putting the pro in procrastinate for 10+ years now...

Me too :-(
I wish caffeine would affect me. I guess I abused it so long, I'm now immune.
When I have to get stuff done, It's vitamin B6 and a few other supplements.

I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me.

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

I wish caffeine would affect me. I guess I abused it so long, I'm now immune.

Oh boy. I think I am really a caffeine addict by now. It doesn't seem to have any positive effect anymore. However if I skip my daily dose of coffee I tend to become really tired, overdoing it however leads to a very unpleasant feeling of restlessness... can't seem to maintean a clear train of thought.

(Reading that again, I should really cut down on my caffeine intake. It sounds scaryblink.png )

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