Some games make a super lazy fix to that where u get a more neutral choice where u can demand payment for doing helpful things... still meh.. because your still doing nice things and its so apparant they put in no effort at all for evil gameplay.
and then the good rpg's let u do evil choices that are really fun

and some go really far with that and make quests that dont even have a good choice... but then theres quests where u dont have evil choice..
this is super annoying because i wanna do all quests in the game... i hate passing on a quest but i also hate doing a hero quest.
so i think all quests must have a good+nuetral+evil choice. and they cant be lazy effort quests too.. make each choice really big difference.
but.. easier said than done... making a good and evil path to every quest.. and the game... is like making 2 different games with the same engine.
its like double work... well not relly.. but like.. a lot of more work.
how small or big is my niche?
how many players is my market of players that want evil options in rpgs?
is it worth the time and moneyand work u put in making evil path in the game or is my niche too small?
maybe its best to not do evil choices AT ALL so small my niche is?
what about making a evil game where thers no heroish actions at all..?