
Lookin for: Inspiratonal books

Started by October 12, 2001 09:30 PM
9 comments, last by Moogle 23 years, 4 months ago
Well I need inpiration to cyberpunk stuff. I have read Neuromancer & Mona Lisa OverDrive 2 times, I have read all the other William Gibson books once. Now I am looking for more books/movies that goes in the same style. It doesnt have to be very good, Ill read everything Cyberpunk...
i don''t read or watch that kinda stuff, sorry... but if you want just pictures here is a website with a huge collection of cyberpunk drawings, paintings, sketches, etc (there''s also a lot of fantasy stuff, so you will have to go to the right section):
You''ve probably already heard of Snowcrash...... Good book, Snowcrash is.


"Elvis is alive. He is Barney the purple dinosaur. He is the pied piper that leads our children into the wages of sin and eternal damnation."

-Forcaswriteln("Does this actually work?");
well, gibson is the first, but not the only one who writes good cyberpunk.

you might want to check out some of the books by Bruce Sterling, the Shadowrun-novels are a more shallow, action-oriented form of cyberpunk (definitely a good resource for games), and I can also recommend "Otherland" by Tad Williams (although I´m not sure it classifies as cyberpunk).

films... tough one:

New Rose Hotel (after the W. Gibson short story)
Bladerunner (or the book "do androids dream of electric sheep")

and lots of crap films (the mid-80s were a very productive time for cyberpunk knockoffs).

and book-wise: Jeff Noon perhaps.. but I´m not sure
Thanks a lot...

Ive never heard of Snowcrash so I will check it out. Action-oriented sounds good, I''ll check Sterling, the name seems oddly familiar.

I know Bladerunner all to well already *grin*
The Otherland series is great. It''s cyberpunk, but without the punk.


"Elvis is alive. He is Barney the purple dinosaur. He is the pied piper that leads our children into the wages of sin and eternal damnation."

-Forcaswriteln("Does this actually work?");
If you''ve read all of William gibson, start on Iain M. Banks. Also watch Titan A.E. (Movie, animated) Try michael Marshall Smith''s Spares, and that''s about the extent of my knowledge, but I''ll unleash one of my colleagues on you, hopefully he can help...

- God created the world in seven days? I think I can one-up him!
George D. Filiotis
I made some research by myself and I bought the anime Ghost In The Shell which gave me a lot of inspiration.

Otherlands looks cool but I invested in Snow Crash nistead and it is way cool state-of-the art cyberpunk ...

Thanks a lot all of ya...
Hmm...I''m not sure I would characterize Titan AE as cyberpunk...

Ghost in the Shell is quintessential cyberpunk anime, as is Akira. Gibson is the master, but check out Tom Maddox''s book ''Halo''. Blade Runner is definitely _the_ cyberpunk movie of choice, but there are others (some have been mentioned). ''Johnny Mnemonic'' was a butchering of a Gibson short-story. Also, Gibson and Maddox co-wrote a couple of X-Files episodes...''Kill Switch'' and ''First-person Shooter'' -- check those out.

Philip K. Dick (the author of ''Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep'', the book upon which the movie ''Bladerunner'' was based) has written a number of other novels that could qualify as cyberpunk, although I don''t think he considered them in that light.

Also, if you need some inspiration for a game, try to get your hands on the pen-and-paper RPG ''Cyberpunk'' by R.Talsorian games. Apparently this thing sent up all kinds of red-flags in the 80s...the FBI was investigating it because they were afraid it was teaching people how to be hackers and anarchists.

Oh, and don''t forget about ''Deus Ex''.

_________________________The Idea Foundry
Original post by Tacit

Also, if you need some inspiration for a game, try to get your hands on the pen-and-paper RPG ''Cyberpunk'' by R.Talsorian games. Apparently this thing sent up all kinds of red-flags in the 80s...the FBI was investigating it because they were afraid it was teaching people how to be hackers and anarchists.

No, I think that was the Cyberpunk expansion book for GURPS. And it was the Secret Service, not the FBI. They actually raided the offices of Steve Jackson games and confiscated their manuscripts and computers. I think this happened in 1990 or about that.

The GURPS cyberpunk book is a decent source for game mechanics. Check out the GURPS book ''cyberworld'' for more background type stuff. I know that one of these books has a really comprehensive cyberpunk reading list in the back, but I can''t recall which one.

As far as books/movies go, rent the movie Johnny Mnemonic. For a hilarious spoof of Gibson and others, try the book ''Headcrash.''

For the trivia minded: Did you know that Gibson had never even used a computer at the time he wrote Neuromancer?

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