[quote name='mdwh' timestamp='1348063803' post='4981684']
[quote name='slicer4ever' timestamp='1347989976' post='4981306']
i'm assuming that it needs to be at a constant output to maintain the warped space(although the article talks about oscillating could reduce the power needed), so that means the device powering it has to be capable of powering pretty much the entire world today...constantly.
I'm not sure what you mean by constant output - the amount given was a measurement of energy, not power, so using that amount of energy "constantly" makes no sense. Presumably it's a figure that is meant to entail a total amount of energy required, for whatever length of time they imagined would be required.
If it meant to be units of power, then the article messed up, and we have no idea what is actually meant (is that one voyager per second? One voyager per hour?)
I took the article to mean that you would need a consistant output of voyager's per second, but they never clearly state the duration that the energy must be maintained in comparison to the length of a trip. considering the device would be constantly warping space, then i'd imagine the energy output would need to be maintained over a long duration, or "constantly".
[/quote]Though they also don't say what the time unit was - whether it was per second or what (seconds may be the SI unit, but given that we're measuring the energy in units of "voyagers", this isn't exactly SI in the first place:)).